Japan's Declining Population: Can it be Reversed?

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🌏 In this eye-opening video, we dive deep into Japan's alarming population decline and explore the factors contributing to this decline. Is there a way to reverse the trend, or has Japan reached the point of no return? Join us on BurbNBougie as we discuss the social, economic, and cultural implications of this pressing issue. And if you haven't already, hit that subscribe button and join our woman-centered community! 💖👩‍💻

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I read in an sociology book a long time ago about how japanese mothers had to single handedly take care of new borns until 3 years old without help from the father. The justification for this was to " create a strong bond between mother and child", like it would never happen naturally. If this is really true, it wouldn't suprise me why women would opt out of having kids. Imagine spending the most difficult years by yourself with no assistance from your own partner.


It will take a whole country dying before men listen to women about this issue...if at all. They will rather attempt creating a substitute of women than help women.


They're in a similar place as China in that they do not truly value their women. The women there are still expected to do all of the home work and wirk as well. The younger generations aren't having it.


As a childfree woman I’m constantly shocked about the number of childwanting women who live similarly to me. They’re considering buying one bedroom condos, spending their time on their careers, and forgoing dating as a priority. The more I speak to them the more I realize they’ve given up on their dream of being a happy mother and are now choosing to be less fulfilled by family but free, or be a mother but nothing else. It’s sad to watch how difficult it’s become for them to live the life they want and they’re making sacrifices wherever they can to have both but hope is dwindling. They’re giving up. I honestly don’t care about how many old people need support or the future economy, I care about these young women who feel they can’t do what men have been able to do for centuries: both. Some have expressed jealousy about my mindset and wished they could stop longing for children since it seems so futile at this point. Those are the people I care about in all this, and time and time again the governments do NOTHING to address their concerns even though they’re the ones explicitly telling them what they need. They’re the ones at the gate. But as always, they expect the women to back down and submit to their needs at the women’s expense. They’ll find out too late that the only thing they had to do was listen and make some crucial changes. The men in charge cant put their pride and ease of life aside even to make everyone happier in the long run, yet they preach sacrifice to the women who are already giving their all. It’s ridiculous.


This all comes down to how these countries are treating its women citizens. If there were more social safety nets and programs for pregnant women and mothers, more women would be interested in having children. Especially if there was some type of basic income program just for mothers.


It is sad because if governments would improve social services and give people money we might want to breed. I work hard for my money and am willing to call their bluff on the species continuing.


Having kids is only a personal benefit if you are with a loving committed stable partner. Society isn’t facilitating that so this is no surprise.


A new documentary entitled "Birthgap" is showing how many countries around the world are facing population collapse. Its pretty eye opening hearing these stories and finding out what all the reasons are for people not having children.


I am with the beautiful and surprisingly tough as nails Asian women. There is nothing, nothing, no one, not even God, can do at this point to convince women who think like me to give birth to as much as an egg let alone an actual human being. The ship never sailed. It was destroyed in sight. And if that means the end of the world or whatever other catastrophic scenario, they love to fantasize about, then, so be it.


What are they complaining about?
I thought AI was going to fix it?🤷🏾‍♀️💅🏾


Whats happening in 🇯🇵 will happen in the 🇺🇲


The birthrate situation in Japan is very complicated. You make good points about the treatment of women in society being a problem, but another issue is that men are also rejecting their gender roles. You can see this in the herbivore men who aren't interested in romantic relationships or getting married.


Lmaoo it’s men that are worried about the population not women. Didn’t they say in there Bible be fruitful and multiply 😭 hence Nick Cannon 🤢 but women ain’t worried about that we focused on our careers and money and peace. Period


Did you say Japanese women are supposed to take care of the elders in the family? Like their own family elders and then the husbands as well? Hell no!!! how do you say hell no in Japanese


New subscriber here. My aunt and uncle just sent me this video. Your content is a breath of fresh air, and I so needed to hear these stories tonight. I love your analysis! The staunch refusal to believe what women all over the world are saying about our withdrawal from marriage and childrearing is so typical of these proud Neanderthal parasites. I no longer see how or why other women bother to deal with them at all at this point. There's a certain age bracket of those who grew up pre-prawn, pre-incel, pre-MRA culture, when chivalry was still alive and feminism was respected. Everyone younger than that seems completely perverted, manipulative, and narcissistic. Incapable of loving a woman or of intimacy. I, for one, am finally and fully DONE. Even the good ones are by and large jerks who never give as good as they get. That makes them parasites to one degree or another. I finally realized there was no point in continuing to struggle with one, and they're just not worth it. I'm better off alone. God, pets, and family are enough, and I wouldn't mind some good old-fashioned sisterhood, either. Less stress, less wasted energy and time, less grief, no confusion. And, OH! The sweet relief and peace of freedom. This is liberation. It has to extend within ourselves. And I think within is the final frontier that Second Wave feminism hadn't fully addressed. I hope this is finally the real Third Wave that washes the backlash and filth away.

Have you heard of the Four No's of the South Korean feminist movement? No dating, no marriage, no s3x, no children. I think it is freaking brilliant. I wish Western "progressive" women had that kind of strength. And I wish I'd had inspiration like this when I was young, just starting out. I have older feminist cousins (plus my priceless aunt ❤ thanks again ;) who tried to warn me young about the reality of male-female relationships, but the dream of romantic love is hard to let go of. I am so glad I finally did without experiencing the full-on horrors that are now common. But I'm an observant person, and too old now to bury my head in the sand any longer. Not after disappointment after disappointment, them basically NEVER being who they led me to believe they were, and that's after being extremely picky and quick to pick up on and weed out any abusive or manipulative ones. And seeing friend after friend and relative after relative suffer in one way or another by the actions of the worse or more devious ones.

I think it's a good thing if the bad genes are culled from the population through women's abstinence and withdrawal from males. It will help purify the gene pool. Psychopathy, at least, is genetic. And so are a lot of the mental illnesses that could be involved in the current MRA culture madness. There are very few good men, probably 10% IMO. So the bad genes have to be bred out as much as possible if humanity has any hope of recovering from this apocalyptic stalemate.

Thanks for your channel. I hope it blows up lol. Women around the world need to hear this perspective more than ever, and we are HUNGRY for it!


I mean, maybe address how the country's neo liberal policies that make raising a child or children economically unfeasible and strict adhering to now obsolete traditional societal values might help?


📣📣📣 WHO CARES Thought Asians were so damn smart lol 😆
