Learn How Doublelift Destroys OP Draven Lanes!

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In today's guide, we go over how Doublelift deals with an OP Draven Leona lane as Lucian.

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Doublelift's Lucian is so good, NA had to import Crown to keep it balanced.


Meanwhile, somewhere far, another lucian botlane is crying that elise has already ganked twice and his jungler's nowhere to be seen, thus he started inting ferociously.


Can you make a video about how to use minion waves in mid-to-late game to gain xp advantage or having pushed sidelanes to prepare nash?


You guys should make a few videos where you focus on both the support and the ADC - make suggestions for plays for them to go for together, point out the good and bad things they are BOTH doing, etc.
That would satisfy your 'majority ADC' players while also satisfying the people who want Support content -- additionally, it would provide content for people who are duoing to watch and learn from and get ideas.


Can you make a video about all the wave control techniques? Slow push, freeze etc. And their benifits


I would indeed appreciate a video on tower last hitting please and thank you. Your videos are highly educational.


Next, can you do a video on winning lane as Draven against a heavy disengage/poke lane, such as Varus/Zyra? I used to be a Draven main, just getting back into him(and League), and I'm finding it difficult to lane against these kinds of lanes, and they're often picked into my Draven. Varus can outscale, he can farm, and he outpokes me in lane, while he has Zyra/other supports to disengage or peel him.


As a support main, the biggest obstacle I face is getting my adc to listen to calls to freeze or shove in situations similar to the the ones shown in the video. I'm climbing Gold right now (Gold 2 series) and even here adc's have a hard time with knowing when it's good to freeze and when it's good to shove. Most just mindlessly auto-attack the wave. Great video though, I've learned a lot watching them. Thanks for taking the time to put these together.


basically, there are 3 types of lanes on bottom and they're mostly defined by a support they're with - sustain lane, poke lane and kill lane. every type has their own strengths and weaknesses. for example, a sustain lane is usually a sustain support, like janna, lulu, soraka, taric coupled with a hyper scaling ADC, such as kai'sa, kog'maw, vayne, a poke lane is is usually vel'koz, zyra, brand, zilean coupled with a long ranged ADC that has a strong poke, like caitlyn or varus, while the kill lane usually consists of an engage support, like alistar, blitzcrank, thresh or leona coupled with an early game ADC such as draven or lucian to destroy the opposition in lane and snowball it as hard as possible. many supports can perform 2 roles at the same times, but not as efficiently as a support that's specialized in that role. for example, you can poke well with janna or lulu, but that poke will never match the poke of zyra, vel'koz or brand. the rock-paper-scissors in botlane is: poke lane > kill lane > sustain lane > poke lane. poke lane supports scale best into late game and can transform into a carry role, kill lane supports are usually the best tanks, front liners and engagers, while sustain lane supports are the best peelers and protectors of your marksman. it depends on the situation when you should pick a specific support and if you're a support main, i would recommend knowing at least one from each of the 3 categories and using them accordingly. that works especially well if you duo with an ADC so you can fit your picks based on the team comp you're in or to simply counter the enemy.

since i'm a jungle main (support off), i have to know how a certain match up will play - at least the basics. keep in mind that poke lanes will USUALLY always push the wave towards the enemy so they can do what they do best, while sustain lanes will be on their side of the lane, while kill lanes will want to have the wave in the middle.


Another great guide! I'd also be very interested in the segment on farming under towers.


How to farm under turret, coz aggro feels so random


Let's see a corejj video please. Great work!


do a uzi, or pray or teddy(which is a late game adc but never lose early ) . Haven't done it for a while and those I think, are the deffinitions of really good adc players . Thanks


Tips against Poke him hard to where his axe's will land. Have a support like Pyke, Thresh, Blitz or killer supports. Another option have a poke support so Draaaavennn will have a hard time stacking his passive.


Can you do a video on how to play against poke lanes? (like Caitlyn Janna) next?


Just want to correct a few bits, at 6:08 I thought you were talking about if he got out of vision and the auto doesn't connect/actually deal damage, but taking a second look.. nop, he took dmg, Draven got an auto in just fine. (might have meant Leo? or Draven's sweep?) and also at 9:22 he wasn't trying to freeze apparently, he farmed it before even seeing Elise. Who also would be botside every time there just looking at the map.


great videos as always. can you guys pls make a video about cs-ing under turret ?


Doublelift played the lane well, that is for sure, but take a look at Vel Koz at 6:05, also at 8:05 and throughout the whole video actually! The Vel never uses his spells on the minion wave so he never pushes it and destroys his ADs game plan and lands almost every spell on enemy champs, this video could easily be about the Mage Support carrying the adc in laning phase. (PS I am pretty sure any support below d3 cannot pull off such positioning AND wave manipulation)


Tips for farming under tower would be great. Also, are there times you want to keep hard pushing so that the enemy has a hard time farming or not? If so, which match ups/situations would these be?


More support videos pls. Very good content overall.
