The Only 7 Prompts AI Authors Need to Write Their First Book

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The Only 7 Prompts AI Authors Need to Write Their First Book

1. Brainstorming Prompt: Used to generate ideas, especially focusing on a premise and an ending for the story. It can take various forms, and the author emphasizes the importance of knowing where the story is going.
Give me 10 ideas for the Premise for a novel about [whatever]
Give me 10 ideas for the ending for a novel about [whatever premise you picked]

2. Synopsis Prompt: This prompt helps in creating a detailed synopsis for the story, often using a traditional three-act structure. It builds on the premise and ending, providing a roadmap for the story.
Given the following premise and story information, give me a highly detailed synopsis for a [genre] story in the tradition of three-act structure. Each act should be clearly labeled and should build toward an ending I've described

3. Outlining Prompt: This prompt is used to create a detailed outline of the story, breaking it down into parts or chapters. It can be tailored to a specific outlining method, such as the 24-chapter novel outline.
Using the following synopsis, create a detailed summary of the story, flushing out additional details and breaking it into Parts using the [outline method of choice eg, Heros jorney]

4. Character Prompt: This prompt is used to write character profiles, including details about the protagonist, antagonist, or mentor. It can include physical descriptions, backstories, and other character-specific information.
Write a character profile about the protagonist of the novel [Insert synopsis]
Here's what we know so far about the character: [ Insert current summary of character ]
Include the following elements: [ insert desired elements here]

5. Story Beats Prompt: This prompt helps in developing the story beats for each chapter, providing a detailed action plan for the script. It emphasizes specificity and the use of proper nouns.
Take the following chapter summary and generate a list of 12 highly detailed action beats for a script with additional [story information]To fully flesh out the chapter. make sure to always use proper nouns instead of pronouns. [ Add chapter 1 etc. etc]

6. Style Prompt: This prompt is more personalized and can vary widely. It helps in defining the writing style, including aspects like point of view, dialogue, verbs, conflict, and description. It can be crafted to include or exclude specific writing techniques.
First person past point of view of[ insert character name] show don't tell deep point of view. realistic dialogue. strong verbs. lots of conflict/drama and description. Avoid mushy descriptions/dialog. (you can put this under the Custom instructions in chat GPT)

7. Constructing the Prose Prompt: The final prompt is used to construct the prose of the story. It can include details like genre, tone, key characters, and specific story beats to cover. It's used to write the actual text of the chapters, guided by the previous prompts.
Write 1, 000 words of a chapter using the following details:
point of view:
Key characters:
Story beats to cover: (give it 2 or 3 at a time) best way to backup your writing.


00:00 🧠 Brainstorming prompt is crucial for starting a book; it should include a premise and an ending to guide the AI.
02:17 📝 The AI can provide style notes along with a premise, adding depth to the brainstorming process.
04:37 📑 A detailed synopsis prompt helps outline the story, specifying genre and structure (e.g., three acts).
06:03 🗂️ Outlining prompt refines the synopsis into a detailed chapter-by-chapter outline, using a preferred method (e.g., 24 chapters).
07:39 🎭 Character prompt aids in creating well-defined characters by providing AI with specific information about them.
09:45 📖 Story beats are essential for guiding the AI in creating specific actions within each chapter; proper nouns should be used.
11:37 🖋️ Style prompt helps define the writing style you want, including elements like point of view, dialogue, and description preferences.
15:43 ✍️ Constructing prose involves providing the AI with genre, tone, character names, and detailed story beats to generate writing. This process may require additional editing for polish.


Here are the seven prompts that the author argues for in the video "The Only 7 Prompts AI Authors Need to Write Their First Book":

1. **Brainstorming Prompt**: Used to generate ideas, especially focusing on a premise and an ending for the story. It can take various forms, and the author emphasizes the importance of knowing where the story is going.

2. **Synopsis Prompt**: This prompt helps in creating a detailed synopsis for the story, often using a traditional three-act structure. It builds on the premise and ending, providing a roadmap for the story.

3. **Outlining Prompt**: This prompt is used to create a detailed outline of the story, breaking it down into parts or chapters. It can be tailored to a specific outlining method, such as the 24-chapter novel outline.

4. **Character Prompt**: This prompt is used to write character profiles, including details about the protagonist, antagonist, or mentor. It can include physical descriptions, backstories, and other character-specific information.

5. **Story Beats Prompt**: This prompt helps in developing the story beats for each chapter, providing a detailed action plan for the script. It emphasizes specificity and the use of proper nouns.

6. **Style Prompt**: This prompt is more personalized and can vary widely. It helps in defining the writing style, including aspects like point of view, dialogue, verbs, conflict, and description. It can be crafted to include or exclude specific writing techniques.

7. **Constructing the Prose Prompt**: The final prompt is used to construct the prose of the story. It can include details like genre, tone, key characters, and specific story beats to cover. It's used to write the actual text of the chapters, guided by the previous prompts.

These prompts are designed to guide the entire process of writing a book, from brainstorming ideas to constructing the final prose. The author emphasizes the iterative nature of working with these prompts and the importance of adding a human touch to the AI-generated content.


I''m really enjoying attending The Nerdy Novelist Academy. Please keep positing. It's very useful for revising my final draft.


I left your custom instruction in by mistake when getting ChatGPT to debug a SQL query I was working on. The response was hilarious!

"Certainly, Mike. I knew I had to focus on the task at hand, updating the SQL query to include another custom field "...". My fingers moved swiftly over the keyboard, changing the code. I felt the pressure of getting this right, making sure the database query included both the ... and ... With careful precision, I crafted the revised function:"

[gives revised function]

"The intensity of making the changes gave way to satisfaction as I saw the new code. The modified SQL query now included the second custom field "...", and the post-processing of the result adjusted accordingly. I leaned back in my chair, feeling content with the successful update, realizing that the code was now poised to function precisely as needed."

Thanks ChatGPT lol! Great video :)


Once again Jason, you've excelled at helping us mortals to overcome the hurdles and obstacles that beset the long and winding road to literary greatness. Thank you.


Not gonna lie; I’m distracted by the beheaded stormtrooper.


I’m interested in how you would use either chatgpt and/or claude for prose. From my knowledge I think you slightly got into it but I’m sure there’s so much more possibilities. I attempted prose in chatgpt yesterday and it did a pretty great job, imo. I literally had to tell the AI mostly everything though. I’d want to experiment with pulling in my writing style into the AI and see if it can imitate it along with other writing styles. The only thing I didn’t experiment with was dialogue which I’ve been told is best to do in Claude. Maybe I’ll try later bc I feel like I’ve been toying with chatgpt and writing for hours and need a break lol.


The first video I saw that actually lived up to its title. Thanks.


Wow. Although I had to try a few times with extra detailed commands to get a good result on a weaker model (Haiku) the first prompt already works really well to give me a good starting location, after about 3 tries, with 6/10 possible directions I would be willing to consider.
I don't even have to watch the rest of the video to know the rest of the prompts will be just as good.
Edit: This just feels like cheating magic. I don't even need to frikkin use sonnet and am getting way better quality everything.

Edit: I cannot figure out how to get the story beats part to not go past what I ask for, if I also want to include additional important details it tends to forget.


My workflow is quite a bit different, but I still gleaned some great tips from this video. Thanks.


Hmm. I had never thought of going straight to the ending. Thanks.


I’ve just started a Sudowrite trial, so this will be helpful.


It seems like once you have certain details set in stone, it may be best to set a great deal of it into the "Custom Instructions' feature.


Thanks, that's a comprehensive guide. :)


Adding an extra page at the beginning of my future novels. It will say "This book was not written by an A.I. chat platform or any other automated system." or "A human wrote this book without assistance from any A.I. or any source that scrapes the internet for ideas and word or prose use from other authors."


What outlining methods are there? Has anyone made an exhaustive list, or asked a llm to list the ones it knows?


Once again 'on point' thank you 👍😀


Great job! Short and to the point! I do need to go back and rewatch your videos on voice and charecter development. Also, need to check for world building. I like LOVE purple prose even though it's un-American. Gen get quite dreamy and good for imagination development of the reader.


This is really awsome and worthy and valuable for me, Jason!!!!. Thanks for sharing your SIKILLS with us. I would like to ask you about a prompt for generating good descriptions for illustrations. Do you have one? I've developed a midjourney formula prompt in CHATGPT (I can share with all of you if are interested) but i need a prompt which captures the setting, atmosphere, theme or whatever other variables related with visuals in writing fiction. I think you as an expert author you can define those variables better than me for that prompt. I would be very grateful if you could make a video about my request.
