FULL SPEECH: Trudeau addresses UN General Assembly

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Dear Canada... Been there, done that. Love, Sweden.


So terrible. So sad. So cringe worthy. Our national embarrassment is our Prime Minister and his hollow, feel good, speeches.


Canada is the thought process more than a Country! Living in this beautiful country, I felt lot of changes in my personality. I am now more equal, and more free then ever! I love Canada


As an American and a New Yorker, I cringe twice. Once for my Canadian friends and again for seeing him in my hometown.


He worries about these Syrian refugees so much...hey Justin..what about the 200 Natives living on the streets of Thunder Bay? When are you going to start raising up all these gulag northern reserves to Middle Class Lifestyles? I mean, like..who was here first? All this money for syrian imports must make the indians feel like they're getting pissed on...


We cant solve all of the worlds problems by moving them to Canada.


Canada needs to be more capitalist friendly. Too many American companies go out of business when opening in Canada.


An empty suit gives an address to a half empty auditorium attended by representatives of mostly irrelevant world states and members of an even more irrelevant world organization.

Nothing was accomplished that day.


I would like to see some objective studies done to prove this 'diversity is strength' bit. As far as studies I've seen so far, homogeneous groups have increased work ethic, empathy, happiness and productivity. It seems to be just a happy-feelie rhetorical stance.


Rather than invest my tax dollars in other countries, I'd much rather that he spend it, if he must, here in Canada and on Canadians. Rather than spend money on refugees, spend it on our natives who are in need of education and employment. "Diversity is strength." I wish that he meant diversity of applied skill, talent and thought. If one wants to bring in immigrants, I'm quite happy to have them, provided that they offer skills that are in short supply here. We have no need for extra manual labour in a society that is increasingly service oriented and where our own citizens that specialize in such find it difficult to find work. Doctor, heal thyself, remove the beam from your eye before you soapbox about the mote in another's.

His pretense at taking the high road of avoiding fear is in fact fear of dealing with racial and religious tension causes by those who refuse to address it frankly, and who commit crimes that are beyond the pale. The point is not to exploit fear but to address the root cause: agreed. Pretending that we don't live in a world where Islamic terrorism, racial insurgency and identity politics is not merely failing, but refusing to deal with the root cause, which is the lack of a spine and under-developed critical thinking abilities on our politician's part. He exploits fear: the fear of an accusation of political incorrectness.

This speech is a teenager's Utopian dream, not a realistic and pragmatic message to Canadians or the world.


This PM never said anything. He made an overly naive speech to an completely ineffective body. The speech was full of fluff just like the drama teacher that made it. He cannot expect to made 31000 people part of the middle class when our own population can't make it there. For shame.


No economy will go profitable with such a piece of theatre, from bad to worse


We can take in people from another country but not help our Indian friends up north?


I don't see how he's an embarrassment...
Can't argue that green sustainable infrastructure is a superlative; can't argue that we invest in education so we have an educated labour force to design and manufacture that said infrastructure; can't argue that we're going to need more people in this giant country to help develop it, and we can't argue that it's better to encourage change with reason and understanding, than to demand and criticize.

Hardly an embarrassment.


Mistake in translation at 4:40 - It's 2.65 billion (milliards en français) not 2.65 million (millions en français)


Does he actually think any of these statements are new ideas? I would expect him to hire a better speech writer if he's going to adress the U.N. This speech is rather vapid and amateurish, and reflects poorly on our country.


He;s talking to a half empty room. This is what people think of the UN


I'm listening all over the time the speech of Justrin Trudeo for improving English ❤❤❤


He thinks that all Canadians think like him, that giving away taxpayer money to these senseless organizations will help Canadians. We have enough problems in Canada to even think about climate change and refugees. Why does he not divert his attention to Canada first.


"Fear does not create jobs or feed families, and those that exploit it...(DONALD TRUMP)"...
