Why Everything Feels So Intense Right Now

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Teal Swan is a New Thought Leader, Bestselling Author, and Speaker. She was born with a range of extrasensory abilities and is a survivor of severe childhood abuse. Today she uses her gifts as well as her own harrowing life experience to inspire millions of people towards authenticity, freedom, and joy and teaching people how to transform their emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual pain.

The result when people are restored to wholeness is that the world will be restored to wholeness. Teal Swan's teachings invite people to step fully into their authenticity, knowing that this will bring about the positive change that we want to see in the world.

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Lack of life experience, especially negative or bad.
I lived through civil war in Bosnia as 13 year old when it started, and another 2 wars after.
It made me live in fear.
Years later I had enough of fear and started lifting weights and joined US Army as infantry soldier.
Complacency, and expecting everything will be great as day before or same is big no-no.
Wake up set your goal mediate on it and visualize best version off your self and good happening with rest off people doing same, imagining and visualizing good prevailing.
POWER in all of us is greater than any outside "bad" thing.
We are survivors.


100% agree. Take a step back and look at your local environment before getting bent out of shape over global problems.


The nervous system collapses with this unnatural rhythm and way of "life".
Mine did some years ago telling me to simplify everything.
And still does.
Every time more, every single day.


Teal is so right on the amount of information that is out there on the internet it’s overwhelmingly difficult … ❤


It's especially difficult if you're a sensitive person., but it's overwhelming for many of us.


Valid point...we don't know until we've over processed


It's rough because you wanna care about what's happening to other people, but then if you do it too much, you just end up losing yourself.


It's definitely an intense and interesting time in humanity. It's so important for people to identify themselves and hold themselves responsible for their choices. Self-love is so important except I find people are reactive creatures to their fear based projection or unconscious patterns. Speaking up and out is allowing emotional freedom and healing for some and those voices bring change and offer healing. I believe spiritual expansion and understanding is vital to developing our trust within self and ability to evolve. I appreciate the truths you provide. People don't always want to hear or accept, doesn't mean they shouldn't.


Standing Up and Speaking Up in a responsive way is actually the only solution for Global Change to Save Humanity and to become human again in Love and Care❣️


Having a horizontal world view doesn't exclude the vertical spiritual present. The internet is a borderline personality, ease off a bit...if you have a global conscience, to remain true to The Whole of Life...consider "Whatever you put your attention on, you get more of." Relinguish and allow for peace, but "Dare to care." by rolling up your sleeves. Actual love and compassion transcends our capacity for complaint.


You’re one wise lady and I’m so glad I’ve found you on YouTube. You’ve got so much to offer the world. 🥰🙌


❤❤❤I am on info detox and fasting 🍀💚🍀😀 thank you 🍀💚🍀


The more conscious and aware we become, the more sensitive we become, the more information we are being bombarded with. Love and compassion to all who are conscious, aware, awake; such a challenge 🌎😘


With Deep Gratitude!!!❤🐉❤️
Blessed Be!!!❤️🙏❤️


I was born in 1961 with Uranus and Pluto in my 10th house. I think you'll get this.


Thank you soo very much I have been homeless for years now and I say homeless but I live with my grandmother.... She is getting older and thats not always easy for us. But we live with the strays I ended up with on my own 2 cats a dog and 2 bearded dragons I have a child and my aunt lives with us too... Living with an aunt who caint clean for herself and a grandmother who lost her will yo say no. I'm struggling with the cludder at home and we all work I just drive the furthest to get there... I would love a little land to myself so grandma can have her home back.


thank you 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 i keep coming back to watch it, somehow finding comfort in not having this understating alone (i’ve said this for a while, to my spiritual confidants..)


”Introverts have much more activity in their cerebral cortex than extroverts. They are affected by external stimuli much quicker and much more intensely. What does this mean? It means that introverts are much more sensitive than extroverts are to stimulation, so they can take very little of it before they become over stimulated and overwhelmed.

It is best to think of their nervous systems as highly sensitive instruments. Their nervous system is actually taking in and processing much more information from the external environment than the nervous system of an extrovert. Conversely, extroverts are much less sensitive to external stimulation.

They are not processing as much information and this causes them to seek information and stimulation. In the world of psychology, this difference I have observed is called cortical arousal.

Introverts tend to have high cortical arousal and extroverts tend to have low cortical arousal. Blood flow to the brain is also different in introverts and extroverts.

Specifically, the blood flow is prioritized in different areas of the brain in extroverts and introverts. On an energetic level, this seeking out vs. taking in is the key energy that sets introverts and extroverts apart.

The introvert is bombarded by life itself and thus spends his or her time taking in and processing that flood of incoming information and stimuli.

The extrovert feels absent of life itself and thus spends his or her time seeking out and initiating situations in which they can feel alive through interaction with stimulus and information”.

Teal Swan (from the article: Introversion vs. Extroversion) 🌎🙏😘


You have a unique perspective and look, it’s totally inspiring 😊


Emotions, feelings, sensations, perceptions, perspectives, beliefs, thoughts are information. We can suppress that information and others who are embracing information, will get that information. The one’s suppressing information are not processing information, are not dealing with that information, they are not facing that information. They are just handling all that information over to all who embraces information. They take zero responsibility for their own information. Truly Hell on Earth 🌎 Thank you Teal for talking about this 😘
