Linear Transformations | Linear Algebra #2

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The second lecture of the "Linear Algebra" series entitled "Linear Transformations" helps you form another perception of a matrix. Namely, we will view a matrix as a linear transformation from one subspace onto another. Along the way, examples are given to solidify the idea linear transformations. The lecture is outlined as follows:

00:00 What is a linear transformation ?
02:42 Given's Rotation (the two-dimensional case)
05:21 Given's Rotation (the higher-dimensional case)
14:54 Translation
23:22 Summary

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Рекомендации по теме

It is a shame that so much is taught in such a poor was looking into what a matrix is, and almost all the results start with "a matrix is an array of number".They are confusing how we represent a matrix with what a matrix video does a great job of explaining what a matrix is.


12:34 _now of course you're going to look at this matrix and freak out_ lmfao made my day haha


Please can you perform a lecture on Gaussian Elimination ? I've been studying so hard and I never get to understand


When your semester linear algebra course boils down to a small animation starting at 'm like wow hol'up there's gotta be something wrong with my class.


I want to see how this applies to real world am a civil engineer and would like to see how to solve truss problems using linear algebra know each point or joint in a truss is referred to as a pin and the problem is to study how the truss performs in equilibrium; finding all the forces in the truss so that the truss is in you perform a video on that? thanks.


@Ahmad, shouldn't signs for sin components for Given's matrix in Y axis be the opposite? 10:33


16:19 Every matrix is associated with a type of function called a linear wonder what type of things govern non-linear transformations, humm do you think a matrix as well ?
