The Workflow | Ion Chef System Enables Walk Away Freedom
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Help save time at the bench, improve your laboratory’s productivity, and standardize your results.
The Ion Chef™ System does the repetitive lab work without the need for complex robotics and confusing scripts. Paired with Ion Torrent™ next-generation sequencing platforms (Ion PGM™, Ion PGM™ Dx system—assay development mode, Ion Proton™, and Ion S5™ Systems), the Ion Chef System automates Ion AmpliSeq™ library preparation, template generation, and chip loading with push-button simplicity—enabling DNA to data in as little as 45 minutes of hands-on time.
Suitable for any user in the lab interested in microbial metagenomics, gene expression analysis, exome sequencing, or targeted sequencing, the automated workflows of the Ion Chef System help save time at the bench, increase lab productivity, and help standardize results. Unleash the power of your Ion Torrent™ next-generation sequencing platform with Ion Chef System automation.
More time to get research done
Free yourself from the repetitive work of preparing samples.
• 15 minutes setup time per run—when combined with the Ion S5 System, go from DNA to data with just 45 minutes of total hands-on time
• Prepare up to 8 Ion AmpliSeq libraries or 2 sequence-ready Ion chips per run—process
multiple samples and chips in parallel; helps save time and cost
Suitable for researchers of any experience level
From reagents to runs, you can simplify your library and template preparation for the Ion Torrent next-generation sequencing workflow.
• Single-use reagent cartridges—prepackaged and ready-to-go reagent cartridges minimize pipetting errors and fit in a single correct deck location
• Intuitive graphic user interface—simply select the run parameters on the touch-screen interface
and hit “go”
Confidence in sequencing results
Now you can reduce day-to-day variation in manual lab workflows, to help provide consistent results, peace of mind, and confidence in your data.
• On-board reagent tracking—2D barcodes associated with all reagents and consumables minimize the potential for user error and help ensure every run is set up correctly
• Reproducible results—minimal user pipetting helps reduce user– introduced experimental variability