DUP vs EU: How Brexit Broke Northern Ireland... Again - TLDR News

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Yesterday Northern Ireland's First Minister Paul Givan resigned during the latest round of political chaos in Northern Ireland. This threw the countries politics into chaos once again as they struggle to deal with the knock-on effects of Brexit. So in this video, we explain what's happened, why the DUP continues to fight against the EU, and when the country's political system can finally recover.

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00:00 Introduction
01:13 What’s happened?
04:42 The Response
06:11 How it Affects Northern Irish Politics
07:34 Impact on NI Protocol Negotiations
08:19 Conclusion
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Brexit caused tensions in Ireland because of border issues?

I’m utterly shocked, how did absolutely no-one see this coming a mile away.
The deal was ‘oven-ready’ after all…..


I like how a local government pushing for more centralization is decentralizing the country


"The Irish Border has been contentious for a while now" - that HAS to be the understatement of the Millenium!


I’m sorry for the UK but as an American I’m happy knowing that my country doesn’t have a monopoly on stupid. I mean, no doubt we are number 1 king stupid but at least there is some competition:)


Just a reminder that this is Johnson's "oven-ready" deal


The DUP campaigning for Brexit must be one of the greatest own goals in political history !


Tory government: We've just negotiated the best trade deal in the history of trade deals
Also tory gov: the EU is bullying us this is unacceptable


I seem to remember when the Brexit vote happened, someone muttered "What about the Irish border?" to which the response was pretty much "Ooh yeah, I hadn't thought of that!"


The DUP supported Brexit hoping it would finally split the island for good. Now that they have to realise how much better N.I. copes with Brexit because of the protocol that gives it an advantage and a booming economy, they want to rip it apart since they want to prevent a reunification of Ireland and because they cannot allow Britons to start begging to rejoin the single market when they realise how much easier Brexit can be dealt with while remaining a member of it.


The High Court in Belfast has, this morning 04/02/2022, suspended Poot's Order and has ruled that the SPS checks must continue pending a judicial review to take place next month


I'm glad you said something in this video that no other media mentions...MOST PEOPLE HERE IN NORTHERN IRELAND ARE HAPPY ENOUGH WITH THE PROTOCOL. It's no big deal. The DUP do not speak for the majority of people here. Our assembly was collapsed for no good reason and very much AGAINST the wishes of the majority of people here.


The cause of all this is pretty straight forward. As a major power for hundreds of years, we in the UK (and especially the ruling class) have been used to getting our own way in whole cloth. Compromise and complexity in diplomacy and treaties always happened elsewhere. This is why so many UK (English) voters hand waved away any of the complexities of Brexit as "project fear", and our Government finds it so easy to fantasize about Imperial grandeur; this assumption that waving a union jack around will somehow sway anyone anymore. We can ignore the irony that it was far more likely to do so pre-Brexit, when we were one of the leaders of the EU. Ah well.


The DUP blocked May's deal at every opportunity. Which would have avoided any Irish sea border.


seeing "Ulster says no" is so stupid to me, Ulster has counties in the Republic of Ireland


DUP, stuck in the past; doomed to consign themselves to the past.


It's almost like Brexit was a bad idea or something, who could've guessed that?


Say what you will, but Boris Johnson and the English Conservatives are the biggest help for Irish Reunion and Scottish Independence that both campaigns ever had, if they like it or not.


I'm sorry but anyone who knows Irish history saw this coming. The Irish Government warned, warned, and borderline begged ahead of Brexit not to be so flippant about a region screwed up by fostered division. Boris was flippant and 'no-one saw it coming'.


It seems to me like a united Ireland seems like the most logical choice. If we wasn't just so tribal.


It is strange that Poots followed legal advice from a former Attorney General for Northern Ireland but not from the current Attorney General for Northern Ireland. Did Poots realise Larkin no longer work for the NI administration and his legal advice had as much legal standing as any private citizen?
