THE SOUL OF A BABY explained by Hans Wilhelm

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Who is the soul that enters the body of a baby at birth?
Hans Wilhelm is a mystic, author and illustrator of 200 books for all ages with total sales of over 40 million copies in 30 languages. As a mystic he inspires audiences around the world with his life-affirming concepts to connect with their own inner wisdom. His popular YouTube videos have become an important source of inspiration and help for his over 15 million viewers.

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I’m 32 weeks pregnant and this makes so much sense no matter how silly it seems to others. I feel like I’ve known my daughter for my entire life and that the universe is finally allowing us to meet. Before I got pregnant I had dreams of my baby in a pink blanket. Before I knew her gender, she came to me twice in a dream. I just know her. I even had a dream where I danced with her until she grew old and told her she’d always be my baby. I love her so much. She’s my everything.


I adopted my daughter when she was 4 years old. She had been a foster child in my parents home since the age of 2. I have often felt she selected me as her mom. She is currently 32 years old and we have always had a very loving relationship.


My 6 year old son tells me how he remembers being in my tummy, and thinking to himself "please I hope I get a nice mommy" he has told me this many times. Once time he started crying because he was scared that when we die we won't be together again. He was scared and I reassured him we would be together forever. I have never doubted him for a second. One more thing he said that I'll share is he tells me "I always wanted a nice mommy like you" makes me think he might have been in an abusive family in a past life.


When I was 20 weeks pregnant I had a very vivid dream that a woman was standing next to me and told me I was pregnant. I had the Norplant and didn’t know I was pregnant as I didn’t have any symptoms. She asked me if I wanted to see the baby and I said yes. I saw a 3D picture of the embryo, and placenta. She told me to get to the doctor and have the Norplant out or it would effect the growth of the baby. I went and found out I was indeed pregnant. That baby will be 25-years-old on Tuesday.


Months before i got my baby girl i had a strange dream, like i saw a baby boy playing with my husband and i was wondering whose baby this is. And suddenly baby turned to me and said: "Mama, i've been waiting for you for so long." I cried so hard in my dream and woke up with tears. And we have been waiting for many years.


This explains why babies sometimes look at adults so intelligent and as if with some knowledge


Good video!
I always knew from childhood that I had been here before, a few times, before this life I'm living in at the moment. In fact all of my siblings are the same and my parents knew this because they were spiritual people. All my siblings though, were my parents family members who loved them and who they loved in their immediate past life. And they chose to come back to my parents.. For example, my sister was my dad's grandmother (my great grandmother) There were so many strong evidence to support this such that they become difficult to dismiss but I won't bore you all with it but I'll briefly state an incident when my sister was a little child before her brain became shrouded in a veil of forgetfulness about her former life...

My parents took her to our village for the first time. According to them when they got there, my sister who was there for the first time ever, knew exactly where to go! When she met my dad's grandmother's sister (who was her sister in her previous life) for the first time, she knew exactly who she was and even greeted her in a peculiar way she used to do in her previous life, such that my great grandmother's sister instantly recognised my then little sister as her own sister reincarnated!

Remarkably my parents knew who each one of their children were before they were born. Except me. I was from a totally different world and I possessed a different energy and aura from that of my other four siblings.... My dad was also very aware of this... I remember clearly, although I cannot now remember most of the conversations we had but as a child I used to spend a long time chatting with my dad. I fondly remember one of my favourite topics with him was travelling and seeing the world... Small wonder I now have a job which gives me the opportunity to do that again and I love it!

One very important incident, before my 7th birthday, which I still remember as clear as day, and one which my family spoke about for a long time, was one night I was sat with my dad on the balcony, talking about the solar system etc and then a hymn started playing on the radio. I paused to listen. I was completely silent for a few seconds. Dad asked if I was OK and with a rueful smile I replied "That song was played at my funeral" then carried on with the previous conversation as if nothing happened 😊


While carrying my son, I had a dream where he showed me his previous life.


YES PLEASE do your part to inform parent of how harmful and barbaric circumcision is! BLOWS MY MIND people actually believe it doesn’t hurt.




I’m pregnant and the world is crumbling down around me but I’m looking forward to this baby as being the greatest distraction from the chaos. Thank you God❤️


i remember my time in the womb of my mother, i believe i entered sometime in the second half of pregnancy not the start nor the end. I remember being inside the womb warm and humid and the souds from outside including my mother's voice and father's voice also remember hearing her laugh and I even remember her disconfort and cry of pain during labor. I remember wondering what was going on with her and feeling worried about her. I knew something was about to happen. I remember feeling tighter in space and unconfortable compared to before and wanting to come out because it had grown increasingly tight in space. I also remember seen the light out side and the face of a man (doctor i asume) receiving me and spanking me, which i was not happy about. The doctor did say word i am not sure i could understand but did hear him makin sounds or speaking. I was not happy with him for spanking me. The most bizzare thing that i remember is before being inside my mother. I remember following around for a while before being inside her. I remember being there and silent following her, someone else was beside me


“ 111 “. Views? Nice🙏
“I am light, you’re light, we’re light”


I remember looking as if through a window at my birth and speaking with a presence I would suggest was God. I was told “it’s time for you to be born” and I was asked if “I agree to go to earth?” I was debating and then God said that I had to make a fast choice (as I was in real time being born) … and he then confirmed my life would be hard but it will be a good life and rewarding. I said okay fine and then I jumped into the new born baby body and I woke up in my baby body on the day I was born.


i want to go back to the spirit realm i dont want to be on earth


Awesome vid.... on a funny note. This is what i heard... baby spirit comes in to "explore" aka wiggle or kick around inside my belly all night and then leaves in the morning leaving d baby in ma belly to sleep all day only to come back at night n "explore" all night some more. 🙄😂


The soul not only comes closer to the mother but also the father


I was present during the delivery of my granddaughter. While they laid the baby immediately after birth onto my daughter I saw this beautiful brilliant yellow light that was full of energy stream across the baby's body. At this time, she opened her eyes, yes she opened her eyes and began to cry. I had no idea what I had witnessed. But, I am convinced this was her soul now that I've researched and especially watching this video. God bless us all. I thank God I was there. No one else seemed to be phased by it. It occured very quickly. I'm believing that I was the only one who saw this or was paying attention. This phenomenon has changed my view on absolutely everything I had known before.


Before I was born my mother lost what would have been her fourth child. She Carrie him for 7 months and then lost him. I Am the the 5th of 6 siblings and I had always wondered what it would have been like to have another older brother. Recently I connected with one of my older brothers sons (my nephew) and when we met in person as adults, I knew instantly he was my reincarnated brother that I never met. We are so close and have deep affection for each other and great respect. He is the only one of my many family members who has a deep spiritual nature and is wise beyond his 30 years. Thank you Hans as well as al” of my family who are on the path to our true home inside of us. Love and blessings from the brother you may have not met just yet.


It makes sense that the soul would be in the pituitary gland...not only does it manage important body functions, hormones and growth, that so happens to be the spot where the "third eye" is, where we get psychic/intuitive messages - clairvoyance and clairaudience going to that spot. The soul is the mediator between us and the spirit world denizens.
