How to Properly Process Mason Jars in a Waterbath Canner

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In this next video, Annette Thurmon (AzureFarm) will take us through the step-by-step process of properly processing the filled mason jar in a waterbath canner.
First, place jar in canner - when the water begins to boil is when the processing time officially begins.
Be sure to set a countdown timer for accurate time measurement.
When the timer is up, remove the canner lid and wait 5 minutes before removing the jar from the canner with jar lifter.
Place the canning jar on a towel or wood cutting board to avoid placing on a cool surface.
Now, let the jar sit for 24 hours, no need to inspect or touch.
After 24 hours passed, inspect the jar for any issues and check the seal. Remove band to ensure lid has sealed.
Be sure to check every seal for every jar you process before you store.
Watch Annette go through these steps in detail and listen to her tips in the video to help you become an expert canner just like her.
#Canningtutorial #Howtocan #Azurefarm #Balljars
First, place jar in canner - when the water begins to boil is when the processing time officially begins.
Be sure to set a countdown timer for accurate time measurement.
When the timer is up, remove the canner lid and wait 5 minutes before removing the jar from the canner with jar lifter.
Place the canning jar on a towel or wood cutting board to avoid placing on a cool surface.
Now, let the jar sit for 24 hours, no need to inspect or touch.
After 24 hours passed, inspect the jar for any issues and check the seal. Remove band to ensure lid has sealed.
Be sure to check every seal for every jar you process before you store.
Watch Annette go through these steps in detail and listen to her tips in the video to help you become an expert canner just like her.
#Canningtutorial #Howtocan #Azurefarm #Balljars
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