FIX!!!! printer spooler problems on Windows 10

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When your printer resists to print, it could be a problem that is preventing the print spooler from running correctly — Here's how to fix the problem.

On Windows 10, it can be frustrating when trying to print and the document stucks in queue, and if you try to cancel the job, it’ll stay deleting forever.

Although there could be a lot of reasons why you can’t print, including connection problems or issues with the printer itself, typically, it’s a problem with the “print spooler” on Windows 10. This is a service that spools print jobs and handles interactions with the printer, and sometimes it’ll stop working, even after restarting your device and printer.

Open Start on Windows 10.

Right-click the Print Spooler service and select the Properties option.

Click the General tab.

Click the Stop button.

Use the Windows key + R keyboard shortcut to open the Run command.

Type the following path and press Enter:


Click the Continue button (if applicable)

Select everything in the printers folder (Ctrl + A keyboard shortcut) and hit the Delete button to remove all its content.

In the General tab, click the Start button to restart the spooler.

Click the OK button.

Once you complete the steps, you can try to print a document one more time, and the printer should work as expected.

How to fix print spooler using Command Prompt
Use these steps to quickly fix print spooler problems using Command Prompt:

Open Start.

Search for Command Prompt, right-click the top result, and select the Run as Administrator option.

Type the following commands to stop the print spooler, delete the printers folder content, and restart the printer spooler, and press Enter (on each line):

net stop spooler
del /Q /F /S "%systemroot%\System32\Spool\Printers\*.*"
net start spooler

After you complete the steps, you should be able to print a document one more time, and your printer should work now.

While this guide focuses on Windows 10, the ability to reset the “Print Spooler” has been around for a long time, which means that you can use the steps on Windows 8.1, Windows 7, and older versions.

If you’re still having issues printing, you can submit your questions in the comment sections.
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Thank you so much Ray Tube Fixes! In the year 2021, printer spooling is still work for your advice! what a back to the future! You are the best!


my i was working on my printer for 16hrs having trouble printer package cannot install, it took me late to find your tutorial that has been soooo damn helpful man!!! This is treasure, epic, amazing!!!! It supposed to be done for 4mins only not 16hrs!!! Haha thank you so much


Thank you after several attempts this worked. Office back up and running ❤


Thank you Ray! My IT guy keeps asking me to re-install the driver but it doesn’t help at all! Now all are fixed! Thank you so much!!


thanks man been driving me nuts for weeks


Did all steps you outlined. When I go to printer spooler properties I can watch it switch from "running" to "stopped" every 30 seconds to a minute over and over again.
What can I do to fix this?


This is only a temporary fix. The problem happens every time I turn the computer and printer on again. How do I fix it so that I don't have to go into services every time and restart the print spooler?


That fixed it for me, much easier and effective than HP's default answer to uninstall and reinstall the printer.


Thnk you so much .. I used ustom windows and the print spooler disabled.. I cant install print drivers but u saved me


Hi, thank you for your video. I followed all of your instructions over and over again but the troubleshooter said:
- Print spooler service isn't running. Not fixed.
- Print spooler service isn't starting automatically - not fixed.
Any idea?


Thank you I have done as you said and it works then it doesn't at times. It seems rebooting and doing it over sometimes will work then printer craps out again.


Omg Thank you I was going crazy over this !!! Thanks so much !


Should I reboot after deleting files in Print Spooler folder? I still having difficulties after going these steps. Can you make another video for after these steps have been taken please


thanks. I was able to fix the issue. the key was to stop spooler then delete pending print files. I was not able to delete couple of pending print files as they were open.
after deleting pending print jobs I then started spooler and was able to print.


I followed all directions up to Stopping the printer spooler. It appears that I have failure notifications after clicking on the START button. What should I do next? Could it be that my printer (HP Deskjet 4630 series) is not compatible with my Windows 10?


Do we need to delete premanently the files in that folder? My laptop says " DELETE PRERMANENTLY" please help.


Thanks for this, but it keeps telling me that there's an error with the print spooler service. So frustrated.


the problem is that the priint spooler is nor there I cant find it is there a way to download it?


Hello and good day, the solution worked one time, I was able to print a document and then nothing else, I had to go through the process all over again 😒☹🙁😟


I do this, but not hepl :(
My printers not starting the print, but printing content is not going to print Quelle in every printer. But Print to PDF workin.
