African Men are either polygamous or promiscuous. The Polygamy talk

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If my husband brought another woman to my house and declared his intentions to wife her, I wouldn't fault him. I would rather he tells me the truth than cheat on me. Well, Felly Oyuga believes that African Men are either polygamous or promiscuous in nature and this is something we can't change

On this episode of LNS, she takes Lynn through her controversial thoughts, why single motherhood houses are failing and why should have an affair.

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There's one thing to think you are on the right path, it's another to think that yours is the only path~Paulo Coelho
One thing I've learnt in life is that you live it how you love it, follow your intuition and passion as long as it doesn't infringe on others. You can learn from others but take their advice with a pinch of salt. After all in the face of death nothing matters except how you lived for yourself.
POV: interesting conversation and she's funny.😅


The bar is not low. It’s in hell.

We should collectively heal so that we don’t normalize mediocrity. She’s on survival mode.

African women, it’s ok to have high standards. To be soft. Spoiled. Appreciated. Loved.

Don’t settle! Love and light.


I'm ready to divorce a 100 times than be an environment where I'll be an option


It's like we are creating a society where we are normalising pain and disrespect in the name of love or in the name of "I'm not the only one going through this".We are forgetting who we are to please other people.


To each it’s own buh i refuse to normalize cheating ol in the name of “men are polygamous in nature”Nothing and absolutely nothing justifies cheating, sugar coat it all you want buh it remains to be a personal choice.
Kama hio ndio mapenzi lemmie remain single abegg!!


A man who fears God can’t live like this, take it from a man!


Here we go with another advice for women 🙄, no advice for the man🤦‍♂️...why is the woman the one to always compromise????


We have to stop normalize this toxic issue
No to me and always


Our title should have been "How I stayed in a lousy marriage" So sorry girl. That guy messed up with your pysche.


This lady is too wise, the hate on this comment section is irrational, unjustified and seen from a single minded view. Every bit of what she says is the reality of men and women.


She had to normalise it so she doesn’t loose her mind but her error is thinking the rest of us have gone through what she has or would respond how she did to even think about her ideologies . How you choose to live is a choice and she has made hers . But I admire Lyn and how she does not emotionally react despite her feelings on this issue


I think this is a bad teaching to our younger generation to come...if a man is not satisfied with me as his only partner and be faithful, I will comfortably leave him and allow him go get his happiness out there
But nooo...I can't settle for less


Even In African society A man got a second wife after consulting his first, this one of men cheating impregnating another woman and forcing you to accept her is just disrespectful.As she said Marriage is never that serious.As a woman if you can’t accept it Nothing is wrong with you, Divorce is an option.If you can accept it and truly forgive that man, more power to you.But making excuses for a man who has disrespected you is a NO!


And our boy child Grows up looking at mum accepting this and thinking it’s okay. This is how a cycle continues. It’s wrong.


This is a very mature conversation that only a few can have, for people with open and independent mind. Hope our community can grow to respect others opinions without insults or degrading others for their thoughts


Good morning team LNN❤️
Do you agree with Felly that African men are polygamous and promiscuous in nature and its ok to have an affair?
Thank you so much for watching❤️


Women are suffering in the name of Love instead of enjoying, the problem is trying to change a person from what he/she is to what you want him/her to be


😄 Lynn, this is a conversation for open minded & not the feint hearted people. Loved, loved it.


In a relationship, do what suits you. Polygamy or promiscuity I don't tolerate any. My take is, if you are not comfortable with the thing, kanyaga


Just from the title alone this can never be me! We need to change this narrative and stop normalizing infidelity in marriage.
