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In this video I have to bring myself to the front of the congregation to accept my L, as I was TOTALLY missing out on one of the most overpowered mechanics in the game by using Sway creatively to stack an INSANE influence farm.

BIG THANKS to everyone in the chat who helped me to look a LITTLE less foolish on this and I'm happy to be able to pass this strategy along to you!

Leave me a comment if you have any questions and I'll do my best to answer them! Hope you enjoy the video!!!
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I had one of my best classes last night. I may have only gotten 3 hours of sleep, but I'm pumped to get home and dive back in


Thanks from the UK for the cfb 25 help. I'm starting to fall in love with College Football!


Nothing wrong with humbling growth and progression. A true man of the CFB people!!


This is a major granular development in recruiting. Most YouTubers only give you broad ideas but you are actually experimenting and trying new things and enhancing the knowledge of the concept. I hope you continue going with this and see if there is more we can collectively learn. Well deserved subscribe and like on the video.


Anyone else here enjoying recruiting more than the actual football games? 🙋‍♂️


Also seems to work better if you hard sell the original 3 and soft sell the additional check mark.


I've watched your other 2 videos but you humbling yourself and taking the L is what earned my sub. You're awesome dude keep it up.


Better understanding the sway mechanic has been so helpful! Thank you for this.

Not that I'm anyone that matters, but i can confirm that you can get 5 interests because of sway. It's been incredibly helpful with recruiting guys that may have been out of my reach.

Overall, dynasty and recruiting has been amazing. One thing that's been annoying though is the sudden change in my grade with a prospect's interests, mostly with playing style. There's been a lot of times where i have an A grade on playing style, and he has a deal breaker with playing style of a B, and I'll invest heavily early to quickly get him to commit to my school. But then all of a sudden, when he's a week away from committing to me, my playing style grade changes to below his deal breaker and I'm locked out and i end up losing the recruit and all that time and resource was wasted...usually 5-6 weeks, when i was about to win. It happens repeatedly to the point where now i don't recruit players with a deal breaker of playing style because i can't trust that it's going to stay, even though I'm not changing anything.

I understand the sudden change in my grade to things like championship contender and playing time, and i have no issues with those. But the playing style is a weird one for me because i didn't change my play style, and it drops so suddenly and drastically.


Sway would be more viable if it worked like scouting where you can click it multiple times for a roll vs having to use 30 hours by advancing the week. In my opinion.


The biggest problem I'm having so far is I'll be tied with another school on influence level, or even ahead. Got hard sell on his perfect pitch, have him come for a visit and do the right visit activity. Then between that and the next week, he commits to the other school. It keeps happening! Any ideas on that?


Sway also locks that pitch from other schools. So if you sway the original 3 interests, other schools have to use sway in order to have a pitch that matches. Causes schools to waste multiple weeks if their sway roll fails


3:13 “if your currently chewing on rocks”

You made me stop eating my chips so fast😂


We all are learnin along with ya holmes…keep it comin!!


I would love to se a week to week recruiting strategy video from you. I struggle with that part right now.


This was incredibly helpful information. I messed around with it for a bit and found that using two sway pitches at the same time significantly increases your chances of adding at least 1 interest on the first try. Every once in a blue moon both pitches land and your prospect ends up with like 6 interests and 4 hard/soft sell options. I also noticed that you gain little to no influence from an unsuccessful sway, so stacking them is a decent way to hedge your bets overall if you have the hours to spare.

On the other hand, failing both pitches is a total waste of a recruiting week and can screw you over big time if you're in a tight race with other schools. It doesn't happen too often as long as at least one of the chosen pitches shares 2 interests with the ideal pitch.

I think a solid middle ground is to always add a few extra recruiting hours when using sway.


Wow I haven’t used sway at all. I’m gonna give this a shot; glad I watched this.


Thanks for the recruiting tips! I got the 6 ranked recruiting class last night with Baylor even though I was only able to recruit 20 guys.


Sway works best when you have 2 Checkmarks. If you have a prospect like you did Worthy with 2 A+ checkmarks already, try a sway with another highly rated check mark. I feel this works better than trying to grind the 1 checkmark imo. The quicker you get to the hard sell + soft sell + rest of your points is more valuable than going to maximize the grades on the hard sell/soft sell


I've been playing for a while and didn't know you could remove an action like that. Thank you, that's a game changer,


These tips got me the #6 class with the Maryland tarps
