Το ΘΑΥΜΑ του αγίου ΘΕΟΔΩΡΟΥ του Τήρωνος! ENGLISH subs #θαύμα #άγιοσ #shorts

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Το Θαύμα των κολλύβων του αγίου μεγαλομάρτυρος Θεοδώρου του Τήρωνος.
St Theodore Tyron and the Miracle of the Kollyva.
Κατά τον τέταρτο αιώνα, ο ειδωλολάτρης βασιλιάς Ιουλιανός ο Παραβάτης, θέλοντας να βεβηλώσει τους χριστιανούς την περίοδο της Μεγάλης Τεσσαρακοστής, διέταξε να ραντιστούν με αίμα από ειδωλολατρικές θυσίες, όλες οι τροφές στην αγορά.
Την νύχτα πριν την Κυριακή της Ορθοδοξίας, ο άγιος Θεόδωρος ο Τήρων, εμφανίστηκε σε όνειρο στον Αρχιεπίσκοπο Κωνσταντινουπόλεως Ευδόξιο και και τον πρότρεψε να νουθετήσει το ποίμνιό του να μην αγοράσει τίποτε από την αγορά. Αντ' αυτού, τους πρότεινε να βράσουν σιτάρι και να φτιάξουν κόλλυβα.
Ο Αρχιεπίσκοπος ακολούθησε τις οδηγίες του αγίου και ενημέρωσε τους χριστιανούς. Έτσι, την Κυριακή, μαζεύτηκαν στην εκκλησία κρατώντας τα κόλλυβα, υμνώντας τον Θεό και τιμώντας τον άγιο Θεόδωρο για την σωτήρια παρέμβασή του.
Αυτό το θαυμαστό γεγονός έλαβε χώρα το πρώτο Σάββατο της Μεγάλης Τεσσαρακοστής, και έκτοτε, η Εκκλησία μας εορτάζει αυτό το θαύμα, κάθε πρώτο Σάββατο της Μεγάλης Τεσσαρακοστής.
This holy, glorious Martyr of Christ came from Amasia in Pontus and was a Roman legionary at the time of Maximian’s great persecution (c. 303).
In 361, Julian the Apostate was doing his utmost to restore pagan customs. Knowing that the Christians were accustomed to sanctify the first week of Lent by fasting and prayer, the wily tyrant told the Prefect of Constantinople to have all of the food set out for sale in the markets sprinkled with the blood of animals sacrificed to the gods, so that no one in the city would escape the contagion of idolatry. However, the Lord did not abandon His chosen people, but sent His servant Theodore to outwit the tyrant. Appearing in a vision to Patriarch Eudoxius (360-364), the holy Martyr informed him of what was happening and told him to instruct the Christians not to buy food from the markets but instead to eat kolyva made from grains of boiled wheat. Thus, thanks to the intervention of the holy Martyr Theodore, the Christian people were preserved from the stain of idolatry. The Church has commemorated this miracle ever since on the first Saturday of Great Lent, to remind the faithful that fasting and temperance have the power to cleanse all the stains of sin.
Saint Theodore the Tryon wrought many other miracles for those who had recourse to him with faith, and who persevered in prayer in his church. One day, shining in glory on his white horse, he appeared to a poor widow and restored her only son who had been captured by Saracens. He often brought the tempest-tossed to safety, thieves to light and runaways back to their masters. In all his miracles, this Roman legionary showed that he had become the heavenly protector of the Christian people.
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St Theodore Tyron and the Miracle of the Kollyva.
Κατά τον τέταρτο αιώνα, ο ειδωλολάτρης βασιλιάς Ιουλιανός ο Παραβάτης, θέλοντας να βεβηλώσει τους χριστιανούς την περίοδο της Μεγάλης Τεσσαρακοστής, διέταξε να ραντιστούν με αίμα από ειδωλολατρικές θυσίες, όλες οι τροφές στην αγορά.
Την νύχτα πριν την Κυριακή της Ορθοδοξίας, ο άγιος Θεόδωρος ο Τήρων, εμφανίστηκε σε όνειρο στον Αρχιεπίσκοπο Κωνσταντινουπόλεως Ευδόξιο και και τον πρότρεψε να νουθετήσει το ποίμνιό του να μην αγοράσει τίποτε από την αγορά. Αντ' αυτού, τους πρότεινε να βράσουν σιτάρι και να φτιάξουν κόλλυβα.
Ο Αρχιεπίσκοπος ακολούθησε τις οδηγίες του αγίου και ενημέρωσε τους χριστιανούς. Έτσι, την Κυριακή, μαζεύτηκαν στην εκκλησία κρατώντας τα κόλλυβα, υμνώντας τον Θεό και τιμώντας τον άγιο Θεόδωρο για την σωτήρια παρέμβασή του.
Αυτό το θαυμαστό γεγονός έλαβε χώρα το πρώτο Σάββατο της Μεγάλης Τεσσαρακοστής, και έκτοτε, η Εκκλησία μας εορτάζει αυτό το θαύμα, κάθε πρώτο Σάββατο της Μεγάλης Τεσσαρακοστής.
This holy, glorious Martyr of Christ came from Amasia in Pontus and was a Roman legionary at the time of Maximian’s great persecution (c. 303).
In 361, Julian the Apostate was doing his utmost to restore pagan customs. Knowing that the Christians were accustomed to sanctify the first week of Lent by fasting and prayer, the wily tyrant told the Prefect of Constantinople to have all of the food set out for sale in the markets sprinkled with the blood of animals sacrificed to the gods, so that no one in the city would escape the contagion of idolatry. However, the Lord did not abandon His chosen people, but sent His servant Theodore to outwit the tyrant. Appearing in a vision to Patriarch Eudoxius (360-364), the holy Martyr informed him of what was happening and told him to instruct the Christians not to buy food from the markets but instead to eat kolyva made from grains of boiled wheat. Thus, thanks to the intervention of the holy Martyr Theodore, the Christian people were preserved from the stain of idolatry. The Church has commemorated this miracle ever since on the first Saturday of Great Lent, to remind the faithful that fasting and temperance have the power to cleanse all the stains of sin.
Saint Theodore the Tryon wrought many other miracles for those who had recourse to him with faith, and who persevered in prayer in his church. One day, shining in glory on his white horse, he appeared to a poor widow and restored her only son who had been captured by Saracens. He often brought the tempest-tossed to safety, thieves to light and runaways back to their masters. In all his miracles, this Roman legionary showed that he had become the heavenly protector of the Christian people.
#θαύμα #άγιοσ #ιησουσ #foryou #foryoushorts #miracle #orthodox