63-0321 The Fourth Seal

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63-0321 The Fourth Seal
Dear Gathering Eagles,

I can’t wait to unite with you and hear the Voice of God speak directly to us through His mighty angel, as He breaks His 4th Seal to us and tells each of us, “You are born of Me, thus you cannot commit sin. The bleach of My blood stands for you. I break it up and send it right back to the one who perverted it.”

When Satan says to Me, “They are guilty!”, I tell him, “They’re not, they are all clean. I can’t even remember it anymore. They are absolutely sinless. They are Mine. If they say to a mountain ‘be moved,’ and don’t doubt in their heart, but believe in what I’ve said, it SHALL come to pass and they can have what they’ve asked for. They are My redeemed Eaglets”.

“You just wait My little Eaglets till them Seven Thunders utter Their voices to you. You can take the Word of God and hand It there. You’ll slice and cut. You can close the heavens. You can shut this, or do that, whatever you want to. The enemy will be slayed by the Word that proceeds from your mouth for It is sharper than a two-edged sword. You can call for a hundred billion tons of flies if you wanted to. Whatever you say, it is going to happen, because It’s the Word of God coming from the mouth of God and I’ve always use man to work My Word”.

Before a Word, it’s a thought. And a thought has to be created. All right. So, God’s thoughts become creation when it was spoke, by a Word. That’s when He presents it to—to you as a thought, His thought, and it’s revealed to you. Then, it’s still a thought until you speak it.

Talk about stimulation by Revelation. Our hearts, our minds, our souls are praising and shouting, “glory, hallelujah.” He has presented His Thoughts to us. Now they are revealed to us. We can speak It.

Fear nothing Eaglets, His Word abides in us. Satan cannot harm us, he’s just a bluff, speak the Word. He chose us from the beginning. He sent us His last eagle messenger to reveal Himself and to call out His Bride. We’ve recognized Him. We’ve recognized who we are. Keep pressing, it won’t be long now, He’s coming for us.

If you’d like to get this stimulation by Revelation, come hear the Voice of God speak Sunday at 2:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, and hear Him reveal His Fourth Seal to His Bride.

Bro. Joseph Branham

Scriptures to read in preparation for hearing the sermon “The Fourth Seal” 63-0321.

St. Matthew 4
St. Luke 24:49
St. John 6:63
Acts 2:38
Revelation 2:18-23, 6:7-8, 10:1-7, 12:13, 13:1-14, 16:12-16, 19:15-17
Genesis 1:1
Psalms 16:8-11
II Samuel 6:14
Jeremiah 32
Joel 2:28
Amos 3:7
Malachi 4
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