Aiden Laboratory named 3D genome mapping center for the Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE)

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The Center for Genome Architecture at Baylor College of Medicine has been selected by the National Institutes of Health as one of eight new mapping centers for its Encyclopedia of DNA Elements (ENCODE) Project.

Baylor’s $3.3 million ENCODE effort will be led by Center for Genome Architecture Director Erez Lieberman Aiden, assistant professor of genetics at Baylor and a senior scientist at Rice’s Center for Theoretical Biological Physics.

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Models of loop extrusion seem to always involve B-form DNA. How are nucleosomes accommodated by this mechanism? Some papers show that a nucleosome can inhibit loop extrusion. If nucleosomes are a basic feature of chromatin, TADs would never form. Are they somehow disrupted and then reform on the other side of the cohesin ring, sort of like what is thought to happen during DNA replication? Thank you.
