Eurotunnel-Loading double decker coach onto shuttle train.Calais to Folkestone cross the channel.ktx

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200 Percent Illegal In The USA

This is an interesting story about a young man, who came to USA from overseas in year 2000 in hope to make some money to rescue his business abroad. But thanks to all the circumstances, he got stuck in the States, working as an illegal alien, cleaning the floors at Walmart store 7 nights a week, instead. After while, he became tired and depressed, trying to figure out, how to get out of this misery. He wanted to get back to living the normal life again. He wanted to start a business and find love, but he didn’t know how. Then one night, while working, he got this idea, how to get back on track by stealing money from Walmart.

As he kept driving around the States from store to store, he kept systematically stealing the money. He managed to steal almost 300 thousand Dollars from Walmart, completely undetected. Will he find love along the way and get a Green Card too? This unusual, thrilling and unpredictable story, will take you to many different places and situations. It will change your perspective on, what these people might have been going through, while living and working in the US illegally.


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It’s amazing how they put the coach in the Eurotunnel very good drivers


This is amazing. Here in Australia you can drive for 16 hours and still be in your home state, never mind passing through half a dozen countries. One reason why travelling through Europe is such a novelty.


I am a train and I approve this footage.


Bonita experiencia; yo lo viví en mis tiempos cuando hacía el transporte desde Alicante ( España ) a distintos lugares de Inglaterra por los años 1971, cuando el ferry de entonces iba con grandes hélices. Tuve un bonito viaje, mientras reponía fuerzas en el restaurante del ferry invitados todos los camioneros por la Compañía Naviera, fue una experiencia bonita, y ahora con 77 años vivo con éste recuerdo de tanto vivido y tanto conocido. Un abrazo a todo el gremio de camionero que sé que también se sufre mucho estar fuera de la familia, y los sinsabores del clima, la nieve, los fríos, antes se pasaba mucho peor, ahora hay buenas máquinas buenos aire acondicionado en los camiones, buenas marcas, y los GPS que entonces los españoles aún no los conocíamos, pero ya había alemanes, holandeses y otros países que sí los tenía. ¡ Ánimo compañero que vuestro trabajo es muy necesario para la sociedad ! Yo ahora es cuando disfruto de mi descanso del guerrero, y sufro cuando veo a mis compañeros esperar días enteros en caravanas por distintos motivos que ellos no tienen culpa, y les toca sufrir y tener paciencia, esperar y esperar, pasando frío a veces y gastando más que las ganancias del porte, cuando no te dejan de pagar, como a mí me ocurrió con la empresa Mateu Mateu, que quebró y nos dejó dos meses de facturas y sin trabajo y fue la razón de abandonar el oficio, vender mi tractora a un compañero y cambiar de vida, y ahora me alegro de haberme retirado en ese momento. El mundo del transporte es muy complicado de entender, no es lo que parece, un camión nuevo cuesta mucho dinero y muchas letras que pagar, y si no tienes suerte, mejor abandonar porque no salen las cuentas, el combustible sube cada día, la lucha por los precios es constante, hoy hay pocas personas que quieran ser conductor de camiones de gran tonelaje y andar por el mundo. Prueba de ellos es que hay falta de conductores para las empresas.


I can't believe they put a bus on the train lol


Tiny comment. The Eurotunnel terminal in the UK is at Cheriton (Folkestone). Dover is home to the main UK Ferry Terminal, and is about another 6 miles along the A20


Guided many tour groups from the continent to London on long weekends and holidays. Many folks are too claustrophobic to make the tunnel crossing, but after Titanic, others are even just afraid to do the Channel ferry trek! I prefer to see the White Cliffs.


The best driving I have ever seen. So proud of you and I don’t even know you. Great job!! 😆


How does that train have no damaged walls lol


Just went there today with the same bus


This would be a great innovation for mass transit. Buses loaded with people just loading onto a train to go to further destinations even faster


Amazing video. I would surely love to travel in this once. Awesome precision by driver. Love from India🇮🇳


I miss doing this route. Great video John 😊


The tunnel does not terminate at Dover but rather near Folkestone


I would love taking the 46 hour journey to Bucharest and taking a couple of other coaches to Istanbul. But I've gotta prepare damn well for it. The only public coach I've been on so far is Megabus to Glasgow for 9 hours. I might go to Middlesbrough on National Express in August.


Seeing the driver maneuvered into the train is really 👍


Bisnes idea:
-Motorcycle in to pickup;
-Pickup in to van;
-Van in to mid-lorry;
-Mid-lorry in to semitrailer;
-Semitrailer in to train:
-Train in to ship.


The bus has a Dutch licence plate. If the Flixbus Coach wanted a direct route back to the Netherlands from London even though it's a longer travel time due to the North sea Crossing it would have Been A12-14 ferry Netherlands from Harwich Felixtowe area.


after a millenium of war, when Brits and Frenchies get along they achieve great things !


How amazing science, bringing new innovations for human life~
