Is this the best Tailstock Die Holder for the home shop machinist?

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In this video I make the Tailstock Die Holder from Hemingway Kits. It's got a very interesting clutch mechanism and in my humble opinion is the best available to the home shop machinist or model engineer interested in making their own shop made tools.

Buy the kit from Hemingway;

I talk about the idea of single point threading away from the chuck which I aspire to learn. @joepie221 has some great content on this, check out his video here;

I demonstrate the use of a Noga reversible countersink tool, a tip I picked up from @Blondihacks , Quinn has some great content geared towards the home shop machinist so be sure to check her channel out.

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0:00 Introduction
0:22 Threading on the lathe
2:51 Hemingway Kit
3:09 Making the clutch cones
6:04 Making the large die holder
9:56 Single point threading
12:09 Making the small die holder
13:10 Internal threading
13:35 Cutting the taper
14:11 Machining the tool body
14:57 Machining offset holes with a Spin Indexer
16:11 Deburring internal holes
16:34 Making the actuator
19:17 Machinable MT3 arbour
19:42 How does the clutch work?
20:58 Dieholder accessory
21:34 Using the die holder
22:02 The best Tailstock Dieholder?
23:38 Conclusion
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Your up-close video style is reminiscent of Clickspring and really helps us see exactly what you are doing. It's actually quite satisfying to watch.


I love how on the Hemmingway Kits product page your video is referenced under "Extended Information" for this exact kit... Hemmingway Kits: "Let's make a cool Die Holder"... Jonesey: "Hold my Beer"...


Nice job. I like to put a 60 degree point on the middle socket head set screw so it will drive into the split in button dies. It allows you to open the die slightly to cut an oversize thread and then retract the screw so the second pass will only remove a small amount of stock.


74 year old retired toolmaker here. I made a holder similar to this one about 57 years ago. It has a recess on both sides for two different size button dies. Anything bigger than 6 mm I would always screwcut. The holder is about 60 mm long with a 12 mm reamed hole in the middle and has a light knurl on the 38 mm OD. It does not have a handle or clutch for safety reasons. I have a 12 mm ejector pin with the head cut off which I clamp in the tailstock drill chuck and the holder will slide along that pin. It works basically the same but my hand is the clutch which is far safer and the whole unit is a breeze to make .


14:23 I got goosebumps when you grabbed the shavings while the lathe was still running. I have a coworker who really fucked up his finger doing that.

But of course that is one tiny part in an otherwise brilliant video. You earned a new sub & I can’t wait to go through your catalog of work.


Joe Pie has a great video on making precise tapers and cone dimensions.


That clutch mechanism design is so simple and reliable. Nice.


This is my tenth time watching this. Been referring back to this video with each step because the instructions this kit comes with are nothing but useless ramblings. Thank you Jonesey for making this video so clear and understandable.


Thank you for the clarity of your operations. Beautifully filmed and narrated. I feel less daunted to try such a project and will definitely try making this tail stock die holder myself. Fabulous sir, simply fabulous. 👏👏👍😀


I have adopted Joe P's method. He explains it very well. I don't think he mentions the compound but I use the opposite 29.5 °~ since you're feeding towards the tailstock end


I made one of these on the weekend. I cut the 4 main parts out of one piece of 2" stock and so was able to cut all 4 tapers in a row without having to move the compound.

When using it you need to be REALLY careful as if it locks you can get your hand jammed very easily.

I elected not to fit the ball on the end of the handle to make it a bit easier to let go in a hurry. Get the saddle as far away from it as you can so you don't get tangled.

It works really well, but I use it with my foot right on the foot brake ready to stop the lathe.

Overall an excellent addition to the workshop!




I just binged watched your channel, this whole day, as my first act of my vacation (holiday) and enjoyed each video. They were remeniscent of my metals shop teacher and shop class and assigned projects. I found your channel via [happy] accident and was hooked because they're mostly Hemingway kits, which I had just purchased their retracting tool holder couple weeks back then then I find your channel. How serendipitous! I wanna thank you for sharing your videos with us, great channel, great content and awe some narrating.


Welcome and best of luck with your YouTube channel. The your work on the Die Holder was meticulous. So much so it deserves its own Lacewood (Silky Oak), dovetail case. 😉Wakodahatchee Chris


When doing an inner taper, you can set on the diameter with a marker pen and making a scratch on the inner edge. Set your zero or diameter at this point, then keep changing the diameter until you get to the number. If it is real important, make a gauge that is basically a male turned cone. You measure the distance on the Z value to the shoulder. Using rollers and knowing the taper, you can either calculate the diameter of the cone to shoulder intersection or draw it with a cad program and then you can know that dimension. You can then calc backwards to the gap needed to get your size. Sometimes to get an accurate size on a taper, instead of changing the cross slide value, it becomes easier to change the carriage position or the Z value to get the final size. A great genuine video.


I have to say you’ve done a beautiful job building that thing that’s for sure… A real pro..⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


Thank you for posting this video. I have seen these advertised but was concerned about how complicated the clutch would be to manufacture. Now I know what to ask Santa for this Christmas.


My first video of yours. Great work. Love the references of other great YouTube channels.


I made a fairly similar diestock a few years ago (on my channel) with a cone clutch, but I think this is a better design. Mine requires adjustment of clutch preload for each different die size.


Very nice! I like the design, and have just purchased the kit from Hemmings. Thank you, I enjoyed the video.
