Nature of Reality Pt3, Anirban Bandyopadhyay: Effects of Word/Thought on Global Interconnected Mind

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In this Part 3 of the Nature of Reality and Quantum Consciousness series, Licensed Professional Counselor Valerie Varan picks up with quantum physicist Anirban Bandyopadhyay where we left off in Part 2 talking about how we need to leave space and time behind and go deeper into the world of primes and underlying geometry. He concludes by telling us that we need to rebuild our entire thought process.

Anirban continues here by informing us about the vibrational and structural effects, of every thought we think and every letter or word we speak, on our global mind and evolution of consciousness.

In his book Emotion, Cognition, and Silent Communication: Unsolved Mystery, he shares his experimental research carried out from 2019-2023. In studies on 290 human subjects, where he and his team connected the brains of up to 12 people, they saw not just EEG 1-40 hertz, but observed megahertz, gigahertz, and terahertz, all the frequency bands, where communication was taking place wirelessly through the different humans. They could see the information exchange, in many different ways, many different fields going from one to another. A touch of a hand, to eat, to smell, the whole collective consciousness changes. They discovered that one person is not conscious alone, but it needs at least 12 people to see the conscious elements in a system.

To understand consciousness, he says we need a language where each letter that is pronounced generates a particular vibration or feeling that flows from the true reality. He educates us on how Sanskrit was created as part of Hindu worship of God and Consciousness and tells us about the ancient book on rhythms. Hymns were created as rhythms. Different rhythms are related to different symmetries, which are in turn related to different structures. Rhythms are organized in different mathematical forms and prime numbers. The gap between letters, the way we pronounce each, all is significant.

He addresses the Bible’s teaching that in the beginning was the Word, how each word is with vibration, and each vibration creates a vortex or structure.

The word is to “carry the information of consciousness”.

Regarding the human biofield and sound healing, he explains that it doesn’t matter the letter or word we say, it is about how we say it and why. Each has meaning, penetrating to the deeper elementary vibrational level.
We need to keep alive the information structure, keep the information integration principle alive. We need to train our children in this knowledge and make it an integral part of their lives.

Now we have a materialistic zombie humanity, full of dead bodies. “How much money, food, clothes, things do we really need?” We are not trained to be alive.

Anirban urges us to learn how to convey words and emotions properly by seeing all perspectives and dimensions of any argument or position. Our thought process should be like peeling back the layers of an onion. First, we should ask, “What is Life?” Note life is not the onion or any substance. Within any layer is not a fact or fundamental truth. It only has meaning when taken together as a whole. We have to learn to see the wholeness of the universe.

A negative thought persists within us is because we are keeping a dead body. Instead of rigidity or distraction or “vomiting” our negativity onto others, we need to bring at least 2-3 new perspectives to it, up to 15 perspectives or symmetries to make it 86% alive.

“Psychologists…Please start believing that information is alive.”

For any fear, see the opposite side, the dual, mirror perspective. Then keep expanding perspective, see the symmetry of past, present, future.

In short, we need to make our thoughts alive and safe by going within, and transforming our thoughts through new perspectives and symmetries. This has a profound affect on the physical structure of each thought as it goes out into the world, and information is exchanged throughout the entire collective consciousness. Every single symmetry or perspective has a mathematical operator, and every single prime operator carries with it a very fundamental physical significance.

Society has to change. Every single architecture is dead. We’re too attracted to Maya, illusion of matter. Dead bodies are piling up in thought, music, dance, sex, things, cities, short videos…everywhere. “It is destroying the evolution of consciousness.” In information theory, humans are paying a huge price…the biggest problem of humanity. “Unless information becomes alive, humanity is doomed.”

Note: The views and opinions expressed here by all parties are not to be taken as medical advice. If you feel you have a problem coping with stress, fearful thinking, trauma or other mental health disorders, please seek the advice of a qualified licensed professional practitioner. Even here, there is no absolute truth; there is a time and place for each mental health perspective & practice, depending on where we are in our own evolution of consciousness.
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The Indian government must be approached and persuaded to incorporate these research based interpretation of the Indian knowledge system. By tomorrow it will be an opportunity lost. The scientific world is on the crossroads.👏


For the kids to be taught in school syllabus
