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Here are my impressions about odyssey about problems and what I thinK game need .

#elitedangerous #elitedangerousodyssey #impressions #review

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Full credit to you Cmdr, so many creators are busy talking about bugs and bad performance and not enough people are addressing the REAL reason why Odyssey failed; lack of content!

This video really needs to be spread.


"Doesn't add enough value to the gameplay loops" - Fdev.


Oh the concept of Eva would be so good, just imagine, being able to sneak in and disable systems or explore them, have combat, imagine if the ships had interiors and. They promised us, yet again the promise was broken, it's honestly so sad where this game is going, and you did a great video about it, I'm subscribing, o7


Star Citizen is a good example that while performance is important content is definetly more important.

I do agree with your points, but as an explorer I'd like to see more things to actually explore. They could be adding new stellar phenomena at least once every 2 months.
Being able to get inside gas giant clouds could be absolutely amazing, randomly generated plant life instead of handcrafted like now so I can find something new every time and some planets could have more interesting plant life. With a small patches of forest full of exotic plants and I could go and explore that.

Also how amazing it would be if we had ship interiors and I could walk inside my ship and being able to do some stuff there. I was thinking how great it would be if I could cut off some random plant I'd find on a planet in deep space and then use it as a decoration inside my ship.


The lack of content is a bigger problem than the lack of frame rates.


I was saying even though they did screw over the players with launching a bug filled product, the real salt was the direction of the game - to "free to play", cosmetics filled mess - players wanted to feel the awe of space, they wanted more to find than red plant, green plant, blue plant. They want to mine of foot and explore - not pew, pew in copy and pasted stations over and over and over again. Players wanted QOL and elimination of grind so they can "sandbox" - if frontier does not realize this by now, I doubt they ever will because for 4 or 5 years that is what players have been saying.


I personally loved ED up to the point when odyssey came out and I was just bored and decided to compare the planet with Jameson Crash Site in odyssey and horizon - it's a step BACKWARDS. That was the moment when I decided that i've had enough bulls...t fdev gives us and switched to Star Citizen. Now looking back at ED - i don't know how I was even playing it, EVEN with the fact that SC has 1 space system and its bugged AF its so much more fun to play.

The only plus of ED was VR support yet they managed to take even this option from us (not even talking about flat screen when moving on foot, but also poor optimization and a huge lag in VR in this DLC).

I am very ashamed that all of this happened and I really wish that someday fdev will recover like developers of No Man's Sky did.

Nice video commander, o7


look how Smart Star Citizen is, they also dont have a content to do in their game, they just keep on releasing new ships because they know how space players is obsessed with ship interiors.


Your talk of zero gravity made me wonder. Elite:Grindeous doesn't have artificial gravity, fairly safe to assume they do have inertial compensators considering the accelerations involved, so would there still be Zero-G while under thrust and manouvers? It would seem so, suppose you could adjust the inertial compensators to create AG of sorts but then down would still be towards the engines making moving about rather tricky considering the layout of the ships. :) So I guess they'd have to make a choice, invent AG or make it so there is always Zero-G onboard when not landed on a station or a planet.


I disagree that space walking content is more important than planet walking content. They are both important, and Odyssey is just the start of this journey. More stuff will come.


Yep, couldn't agree more. There seems to be a universe of possibilities yet Fdev ignore them all and confine the game to a limited layer of FPS and very little more. They go on about ship interiors as it being of no gameplay value yet 90% of the game they produce is grinding loops to achieve very little, how is that better?


We all agree with this.
The loops are just bland.
Its suppose to get deeper as we play not stay the same.

Problem is when you go on a stream and ask for new content, you will be met with "elites just fine, what is new content?" And just a wall of "be quiet!"

All of the old players have begged and pleaded and gotten banned for anything new to come along and its just a lost cause. Or feels that way.

Thanks for adding your voice to the crowd asking for new and innovative ideas.


Ask Community: Give us flyable Captial Ship


ship interiors / carrier interiors ect will never happen in Elite for the simple fact that the dated engine cannot and will never be able to handle it. Look how bad the performance is right now, imagine if the engine had all that extra interiors to render along with objects/other players to keep track of if the ship moves. This is why they're selling the story that interiors would be boring and we'd get sick of it. You want all this stuff, only 1 way to get it. Try Star Citizen, it's coming along in leaps and bounds and the planet tech is absolutely amazing.


I agree. I see ED as a HUGE waste of potential. There is SO much more that they could be doing with what they already have the basic framework for.

I see player run modding communities for other games that produce more new and interesting add-on content for THOSE games than FDEV can seem to manage to produce for ED with their whole staff of professionals and a huge budget. Why?

The ED community who wants more content isn't even asking for a lot. A couple of new ships, a new SRV, some new mysterious event that they can speculate about its meaning and implications. Considering the way other games are modded by players, an ACTUAL game company like FDEV should be able to do something like this pretty easily. People want puzzles to solve and mysteries to investigate, that's what keeps people interested, not hours of the same old grind just to be able to engineer your Detailed Surface Scanner from level 3 to level 5.


well said about gravity ...deadspace games had more gravity effects and big ships to explore and shoot aliens than any of todays so called scifi genre


Looking to the thumb, and comparing Odissey with SC give me sadness, how pathetic and poor made is this game, how fool I am for playing this shit for so long


Seems to me Odyssey took forever to make because of all of the settlements they had to create, and yet all FDev seemed to do with it was add the same type of game play from Horizons - grind for materials. I agree with you that this is not content that interests me after having done it all so many times before.

I also agree that the shooter mechanics are not interesting - and worse, they are not very good. There are so many shooters out there that are amazingly good with their mechanics, they make Odyssey's look amateur by comparison.

Add to these things the fact that Fdev tried to pass off a clearly unfinished project as a finished product and the disrespect that shows that FDev has for their customers, and that pretty much finishes off my interest in this game. Played since launch - have 1100 hours, but in all honesty, haven't played for probably 18 months.


We hear you and also….

You have been banned.
