Robin Hood and his Merry Men - Mego Reissues from ClassicTVToys

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#retroblasting #mego #robinhood
Michael looks at Mego Reissues of Robin Hood and his Merry Men from ClassicTVToys from 2005.
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The box declaration of "Official SUPER Merry Men" implies that out there somewhere are unofficial regular merry men.


"It's actual a buck and a quarter staff" - Robin Hood Daffy


Never has Robin Hood sounded so much like Jules and Vincent from Pulp Fiction
Love it❤


Great stuff, and I always love seeing clips of Flynn’s Robin Hood. “It’s getting so you can’t put a hot iron in the eye of a tax dodge without catching a black arrow in the throat!”


I'm 53, and I had a couple of Mego Star Trek figures as a child.


I'm in my late 30's and I loved collecting Mego's in the early 2000's because of Toyfare magazine. It's charming to have so many franchises in a common line. I bought a bunch of the re-issues for my daughter as it's a toyline we can play with together.


I'm not a mego collector myself, but through other channels here on YT I've grown an appreciation for them. And these figures are just so nice! I cannot wait for that documentary. I wonder how Vader is gonna handle these merry men being


Having Will Scarlet being a bit more murderer looking is a great touch because he is the one that takes the vengeance kill on the sheriff after Robin is killed.


I was born in 72 and growing up in NYC I got to play and still own my childhood Mego's Star Trek figures and The USS Enterprise playset. I got them at Woolworth store in the mid and late 70s. I been collecting MEGO figures since 1975 with the first four Super Heroes with Superman and Batman and later Spiderman, the HULK and even Planet Of The Apes and my all time faves are Mego Star Trek figures and my USS Enterprise playset. Also at the Galaxycon I met Marty Abrams the inventor of the modern collector’s market The Mego brand, a modest dime store toy company founded in 1956 by David and Madeline Abrams, exploded in popularity when their son Marty became president of the Mego Corp. in 71.


Best use of The Adventures of Robin Hood clips since Warners did it for Bugs Bunny.
Awesome Mego line about which I had no idea. I've enjoyed Robin Hood my entire life.


You gave me a completely new view of the deeds of Robin Hood and yes I agree, he is amazing!


Appreciate your perspective as always. Same page with Mego toys. Happy holidays to you, Melinda, and your clan.


great video. my first batman was a mego batman. i loved that thing.


Weird not to have a Sherriff of Nottingham or Prince John as part of the line. I guess King Arthur or Ivanhoe figures were supposed to be stand-ins.


I love the castle that appears in your Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves display.


I used to have just mego Robin Hood, and a handful of years ago came across these Figures Toy Company versions, so I was able to complete the four figure set, without having to chase down the other three expensive megos. And having the three Merry Men next to an original mego Robin, they look like they were all made by the same company.


There are those explorer channels where people go into abandoned places and look around. One of them happened upon an abondoned comic book store with a full inventory of old comics and toys still sitting on shelves and displays.

Its mind boggling to think there may be other places like that with a cache of vintage toys just sitting and whiling away the years waiting to be discovered. I used to see the Mego Trek figures in an old grocery store on shelves far to the back of the place. Rankles that it never occurred to be to pick them up.


Awesome review. These figures look great. Love the classic film but Disney’s animated Robin Hood has always been my favorite with Prince of Thieves right behind it and Men in Tights is always a fun watch.


No worries about not being able to get into Mego. I just take it as a reverse of how mid-80's onward figures draw no major interest from me. Nestalgic personal connection to toys is a big factor no matter how much a person can appreciate a line. I grew up asthe exact age Mego was aiming for and what a success they were for me. Having Marvel AND DC AND Star Trek in one line/scale, along with so many other shows and genres was mindblowing and awesome. I loved coming up with ways to create new figures from the existing ones, thanks to "simple" clothes swaps and customizing/tailoring. Scottie's shirt on Aquaman and Superman (or any other maskless head, but those 2 heads were everywhere at yardsales back then) gave you the much needed redshirt army builders. Simple orange paint and a pen gave you two more, a redhead and a mustachiod crewman (the pencil mustache always demanded to be a science officer in my noggin for some reason). Thor in a blue loincloth as Kamandi, and so on. But for whatever reason the Robin Hood line just wasnt sold in my heck of the woods unfortunately. We'd all have loved it since we still played Robin Hood almost as much as we did Lone Ranger and even more than we did Flash Gordon. Though the big regret was that our GI Joe's were too big to work with them (at least if I recall; something made the clothes incompatable). I'd love if this group actually expanded the line and gave some various knightly troop builders.


A. Our views align on Mego. I know I’m older and I have fond memories of them as they were my first superhero themed figs, but recognized the flaws even when I had them. Still have my childhood (naked somehow) hulk.

B. Love your views on Robin Hood. Agree 100%.

C. I never knew these “copies” (for lack of a better term) existed.

D. You’ve given me a vintage-ish (lack of better term again) to snag just for fun. Thank you. Some challenge but from what you’ve said affordable once found. I’ve needed this.
