Learn to Play Bluegrass Banjo - Lesson 7

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Guess what! We're gonna start a new tune today! Yup, Banjo in the Hollow. Did you practice your Forward and Reverse Roll from lesson 6? You'll need it. :)

We'll also learn a new chord.

Be sure to check out the first six lessons here:

I'm playing my Recording King RK-R35 in the video. :)

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Jim, I am 37 years old. I loved my dad tremendously. He died when I was a teenager. He is to play the acoustic guitar and banjo. I was always amazed when he would play. We are from the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. It was perfect for moonshine and bluegrass. My dad was an alcoholic so there were many things that he did not teach me before he passed away, how to play banjo was among them.
Seven years ago I decided to buy and banjo. I bought strings for it and did my best to put it together. I kept snapping strings while trying to string it. I put the banjo in storage.
I found it after a move a thought I would give it a try again. I bought more strings and a new bridge as I had lost the old one somewhere. I searched utube on how to put this thing together. I came across one of your videos. It was easy to understand and helped me get my banjo string up and tuned. I thought I would give your tutorial videos a try and have been playing through them ever since. It has been three weeks and I am going to start video 10 of this series as soon as I feel more confident in my review of the previous 9.
I sit for hours on the weekends strumming away at the three songs I know now, thinking about my dad. My fingers are not raw anymore and thing about my dad and wander if his finger tips were as calluses.
I want to sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart because your instructional videos take me back home to the mountains that I love and fill me with memories of a man that I miss very much. I am a Texan now, but the those hills are in my blood.
Again, thank you brother. God bless you and your family. Take care


Jim...you are so awesome...I told my wife that if I die she can only marry you. Good luck. And thanks for making my son a believer. He said no old man like me could even learn to whistle. Now I whistle AND play banjo, thanks to you.


This is hands down one of the best instructional series I've seen on YouTube, I feel like I'm making more progress here than I do with my guitar teacher.

I just bought your tab book, and I can't wait to start working through the rest of your videos once I finish up here. I love your emphasis on practice and breaking things down, and it's so helpful to be able to play along--thanks for doing these videos Jim!


Hi Jim, Rock/Blues/Jazz guitarist here, love the Banjo and Appalachian music but never could find 'way in', well my Daughter bought me a Banjo, and you opened the door. Thanks from the bottom of my heart...you rock!


"Social finger"! Ha! You crack me up, Jim. Working hard on this new song and looking forward to the next part!


Hi Jim! I am 37 years old and have never fancied myself any kind of musician. My family is full of them, but I've never found an instrument that speaks to me. Because I wanted my kids to have every opportunity, we own an acoustic guitar, an electric guitar, a drum kit, a bell set and a full size keyboard. I can't really find interest in any of them, myself (nor do my kids, for that matter, but maybe they will someday). Anyhow, on a whim I bought a banjo (can't resist the nice twang of the strings, you know?) and stumbled across your tutorials. Sir, these are the best YouTube tutorials for anything I've ever seen.

I work from home with skills I taught myself using YouTube videos (I sew and knit -- and run a successful online store using the skills I learned exclusively online). BUT -- I've had to skip from video to video to learn the basics and onward of each new skill I acquire in those fields. Never have I found a single source that was so potent as yours. I've just finished this video (Lesson 7) and am already looking forward to learning more from you. The manner in which you teach; slowly building skills in ways that are not overwhelming, is absolutely perfect. After my first 5 days of playing with my new banjo, I could play an (albeit slow) song! And I'm getting faster each day. I really, really appreciate your videos and the time you take to make them for all of us out here.

Thank you so much.


Finally got cripple creek down, and figured I was ready to move to this episode and got a little too excited, so I watched this lesson at work. Can't wait to get home and start trying this!


I’m in my early 70’s and want to learn to play the banjo. Your lessons are helping me more than any of the others that I have tried. I appreciate how you go slow enough that even I can catch on. Thank you!!


Jim your the greatest I truly mean that.its just the way you explain its slow and you show your steps.thank you so much what I do know on the banjo I owe it to you thanks so much.always a like God bless 👍


You are literally the best teacher on the face of the planet. Been renting a banjo for the last month, and about to buy my first. Thank you SO much for teaching me how to play. I believe I can do it, now.


I really appreciate how in each video you review concepts from the previous lesson


Hey Jim, just wanted to thank you for these lesson videos. Im 26 now, and I've fiddled around with nearly any stringed instrument you can think of, with varying success. The banjo has always been one I've wanted to learn, but, I just didnt think I had it in me to learn successfully. Your videos showed up in my suggested feed at the perfect time. I have the experience behind me to really dedicate myself to learning, and the way you teach makes a ton of sense to me. I have a musical family, so, it's really special thinking that some day I'll be able to play along with them. Looking forward to continuing your series of videos, and, hopefully, gaining a lifetime of experiences with a beautiful instrument.


When you think you're ready for the next step and *holy crap you were not ready*


This is the best concise tutorial for learning the banjo EVER! Thank you Jim for helping me to begin my dream of playing the banjo. You are the best!!


I am 72 and started two years ago . I am a slow learner but I know about the discipline that is required with a musical instrument. I sincerely appreciate the time you dedicate to teach us. I am a serious follower. Thanks


Jim is the man. My banjo went from being an artifact hanging on the wall to a source of musical joy. I’d kick in on the Patreon thing.


Thanks Jim, I'm slowly getting the hang of this. I have to play over and over but I'm getting it.


You are the best teacher. Just keep going slow to show us where to place our hands.


Loving the lessons. By far the easiest to understand and follow. Closing in on 3 weeks and I'm working on lesson 7! Thank you and keep posting videos.


Thanks for making this easy for the first time is over 40 years of trying to learn the banjo!  You are the best!
