Best bits: MPs rinse Suella Braverman for inciting the far right

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On Thursday morning, members of the opposite bench queued up to condemn the "inflammatory" language used by the Home Secretary over planned Palestine marches this weekend.

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The phrase: 'I don't recognise that characterisation' is starting to sound a lot more like 'I reject your reality and will substitute my own'.


Isn't crime lower now than under labour because Tories stopped adding fraud, their favourite and the most common crime in the UK, to the statistics?


Remember when having to resign from your job actually meant something? She just gets re-hired 4 days later, but that’s what you get with Sunak, integrity and accountability…..


Respect for those with brains in parliament. Shame it's so rare.


"crime is down by 54%". Correct! But only if you exclude fraud, exactly the kind of crime committed by tory supporters - think of Michelle Mone.


Imagine being sent out to defend Suella Braverman


The moment this guy is wheeled out you know the government is in trouble.


Have we all noticed that every time Cruella comes out with one of her Oswaldite rants she is somehow "absent" from parliament ??
Cowardly as well as dishonest and evil.


She should be permanently sacked and kicked out of the parliament never to


In regards to the "Palestinian-Israeli" conflict.
People who choose the side of Israel do so for one or more of the following four reasons:

1- History, they claim the Israelis are the historical original owners of the historical land of Palestine.

2- Religion, they claim that God promised the historical land of Palestine to the Israelis in the Torah, the Jewish holy Scripture.

3- Compassion, they believe that the Israeli people have been prosecuted and went through enough suffering and its about time they get a place to call home, specially a place that is holy to them

4- Bigotry, you can call it Racism, or simply Hatred. People who hate the Arabs as a race, and would rather see the Israelis of Europe and North America prevail regardless of who's in the wrong.

Now to answer the four points:

1- Historically, the land of Palestine did NOT belong to the Israelis first, in fact, even according to the bible itself, the Israelis had to fight the Filistines (Palestinians), the Canaanites (Semitic people from the Arabian Peninsula), and the Amalekites (A known arabian tribe) in order to take over their lands.
So even historically the land belonged to Arabs, but if we were to apply the "Whoever owned the land first in history gets to have it" Law, then the world will be an absolute mess!
I would like to see the United States with the Native Americans and Northern Ireland with the rest of Ireland before anyone starts lecturing on the Historical aspect.

2- Religiously, the Jewish belief is that the land of Palestine was promised by God to the Israelites.
But that is the Jewish belief, it does not justify the rest of the world going along with it. According to Christians the Holy Land belongs to the followers of Jesus peace be upon him, not to the ones who tried to kill him and called him a son of sin. To Muslims the land belongs to the true believers in God. So why does one religion get what it believes while the rest are ignored? Unless you're Jewish I do not know how this could be an argument.

3- Compassion, if the western world believes the Israelites have been through "a lot", then perhaps the western world should make up for its mistakes by giving the Israelites a part of THEIR land not other peoples land. Perhaps Germany should make up for its Holocaust by giving the Israelites some land, or perhaps Spain should make up for its Inquisition by giving the Israelites some land, but not the Arabs, for the Arabs historically had some of the best relations with the Jewish people, in fact until this very day Jewish people live in LARGE communities in many Muslim countries such as Yemen, Egypt, Morocco, Iran, Iraq, etc. A documentary about the Yemenites (Jews of Yemen) had them saying: "We moved to Israel but were treated as second class citizens by European Jews and we came back to Yemen where we were treated far better historically."
Some might argue that the Holy Land is the only place where Israelites are willing to move to. My argument is that if their safety is the most important thing, then putting them in Germany or Spain or or or or would be the best solution, it sounds to me that the west wanted to get rid of the Israelites, not to give them a home.

4- Actual Hatred, this is the only reason out of the four that I would see as reasonable, not that I agree with, but I can see how some people are just inherently racist and would want to see a certain group suffer.

In conclusion, I ask every human being to look into the Palestinian-Israeli conflict in proper light. The Israelis are European and north American jews who were equipped and trained by the British and given a land that does not belong to them, and then these American and European jews proceeded to genocide an entire population and then formed an apartheid state. And when the original people of the land fight for what is theirs they are deemed as terrorists! Hamas is not Palestine. Agree with the cause of the oppressed people, not with any certain group.


“Crime 54% lower than it was under the last Labour government”… only because police numbers/resources/stations have been cut so much it’s become significantly more difficult to report a crime.

And of course he’s not including “white collar crime” in that statistic.


If that is all that bothered to turn up for this " debate" what the effin hell do we pay them for?


Note that not-so-braverperson is not present, of course. Vile creature.


He's absolutely right about the characterisation of her being unfair, she's 1000x worse. Even the devil would turn her away for being too evil.


Deliberately tried to side step the question and corrected by the speaker. Out of his depth this Tory, but he is in good company.


That Tory minister is so smarmy and slimey,
Please get the tories out


We all feel tense because of these terrorist protests!! Imagine being a British Jew right People should feel safe in the U.K


Her hate mongering skills are extraordinary, otherwise she is very ordinary.


Suella Braverman is a woman and indian, but acts like a racist 50 something year old Torie with no sympathy.


Remember people this is not just Braverman. Sunak has backed her time and time again. She is such a coward and runs away. Instead we have what Mick Lynch told to his face chief liar instead.
