Maps With Key Value Pairs - Learn Golang #8
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In this video we'll learn about Maps in Golang.
Maps create lists of Key/Value pairs. They are very similar to a Dictionary in Python or a Hash in Ruby.
In the video I'll show you how to create a map, call a map, change items in maps, delete items in maps, and iterate over maps.
#golang #codemy #JohnElder
0:00 - Introduction
0:51 - Create A Map In Golang
2:09 - Print Map To Screen
2:31 - Call Specific Map Item
2:56 - Shorthand For Creating A Map
3:26 - Change A Map Item
4:16 - Delete A Map Item
4:49 - Iterate Over A Map
6:20 - Conclusion
Maps create lists of Key/Value pairs. They are very similar to a Dictionary in Python or a Hash in Ruby.
In the video I'll show you how to create a map, call a map, change items in maps, delete items in maps, and iterate over maps.
#golang #codemy #JohnElder
0:00 - Introduction
0:51 - Create A Map In Golang
2:09 - Print Map To Screen
2:31 - Call Specific Map Item
2:56 - Shorthand For Creating A Map
3:26 - Change A Map Item
4:16 - Delete A Map Item
4:49 - Iterate Over A Map
6:20 - Conclusion
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