Kingdom of Yugoslavia: Liberation or Oppression?

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Today we will explore the age-old question of whether the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, really was the Liberator of South Slavs, or were they just another country occupying other people and their land? We will find out now.

#yugoslavia #history #bosnia #croatia
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if you are saying that Yugoslavia was a "Greater Serbian expansionalist state", that Germany is Greater Prussian Imperialist State.


Thats genuinely a good video, keep up the work fam


Was this the reason King Alexander of Yugoslavia was assassinated along with the French Foreign Minister, Louis Barthou, in Marseille in October 1934.


Ein sehr gutes Video für alle, die etwas tiefer in das Thema der Beziehungen zwischen den Nationen im ehemaligen Königreich einsteigen wollen.
Respekt für nicht geringen Aufwand.
Wir hoffen auf ein weiteres Video.


The agrarian reform is misrepresented, the land wasn't taken and given to people based on their nationalisty, it was given to those who previously lived and worked it as serfs since up until 1918 Bosnia had a feudal society with most sefs being Serbs, also the land was compensated for, and to also add in other parts of previously Austria Hungary, major Serbian landowners also had their land given to those who lived and worked on it, the reform ended feudal system in the Balkans, and also, very few Muslims/Bosniaks were actually landowners themselves. The reform didn't lead to disparity as the Bosniaks who were landowners also had various other sources of income and they excelled im many cities within Bosnia.


It can be seen that a lot of effort was invested in this video. 👏🏻


Looking forward to seeing more videos!


Bosnia and Herzegovina? Wtf are you talking about? Back then half of Bosnia were Serbs and the other half were Muslims and croats. Bosnia didnt have national identity back then and people saw themselves as part of a territory. Croats were divided and so were the Muslims over Yugoslavia. So if half of Bosnia was inhabited by Serbs an The other half were Muslims and Croats and half of them were somewhat ok with Yugoslavia- it would make Bosnia aroud 75% for Yugoslavia give or take.

Croat and Slovenian joined Yugoslavia out of Fears of Italian ambitions. Majority of them were pro Yugoslavia back then albeit there were some who were opposed like Stepan Radic and his party. But AT THAT TIME (I cannot stress how the period is important) they were more in favor of having autonomy under Yugoslavia than losing all their Adriatic coast to italy.

Little mention fact is that italy was very dissatisfied after WW1 at the formation of the State of Serbs Croats and Slovenes and considered the Balkan Adriatic coast their right.

This was in the time before the Ustashe and the Chetniks and the hard animosity and the certainly prefered autonomy over lost territory to italians. Serbia came out as a victor after WW1 and as a regional power and had the undivided support of the British Empire and the French. The State of Serbs Croats and Slovenes didnt have much choice anyways.

This view of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia as a dungeon comes during the Ustashe republic's time and its reinforced during Tito's time and then after the Yugoslav wars. but it was far from it.

Im not even a Serb so this is not biased view. There was a time where people on the land of ex yugoslavia lived together without general animosity. Too bad at the end separatism won.

but once again The Kingdom of Yugoslavia wasnt as bad as its portrayed today.


Can you provide some of the source you used for this video?
I found your video very interesting :D
And would like to further read about Yugoslavia during the 20s and 30s


Super awesome video!

I use to be apologist for Serbian chauvinism and imperialism.

Q: since you’re a self-identified Monarchist, why do you think post-WWI Monarchist Yugoslavia was so aggressive towards non-Serbs? 🤔


Wow 70% the comment section are serbian apologists


Thanks for this wonderful video. We, the Slovenians, were Inner Austria historically. A bunch of foreign agents in the Slovenian political life (not the mainstream, but they got power with the fall of the Habsburgs, threw us into Yugoslavia, which then denied our statehood and sovereignty, our history, our traditions, our aristocracy, etc. These bastards even today present themselves as "liberators" of Slovenians, but many of our best public persons warned against Yugoslavia. They were either killed or expelled. Only today some of us start to get back into the public discourse our true history, the Habsburg history, and our Inner Austrian identity.


As an descendant of those who had to flee, I despise these inhumane occurences to the fullest.


For Bosniaks it was oppression, a hellhole where we were 2nd class citizens.It was estimated that from 1919 up until Šahovići massacre in 1924 around 5000 Bosniaks were murdered in Bosnia and Sandzak region.


And yet Serbs still think they liberated Bosnia from an oppressive imperialist empire and praise Gavrilo Princip for killing a man who had reform plans and wanted to avoid WW1 at all costs. Sure, Austria-Hungary may occupied (and later annexed) Bosnia, but they at least built a lot of roads & railways, built 200 schools & introduced mandatory education, created a public works program, developed mines & factories, agriculture was promoted with model farms & training colleges, and most importantly, there was freedom of religion for all Bosnians. Austro-Hungarian rule was by no means perfect, but it was far from bad. Thank you for making this video, this and your video about A-H rule in Bosnia deserve much more attention.


Bostjan M. Turk, PhD, found a lot of documents in French archives, showing that Yugoslavia, finally, was the product of the french masonery that wanted to destroy the Habsburg Central Europe.


Can you please inform us how did the land owning Bosniaks get that land ? Isn't it by selling there honor to the Turks ?


Kako lep video ljubim ti sva tri prsta na sednoj ruci.


First time I see real fixed bayonet fight, thanks!


Reject Yugoslavism. Return to Habsburg benevolence.
