How To Dodge EM Missile In Star Citizen | 3.17.2

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EM Missile have been a huge pain in this update. I hope this helps!

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Here's what more that works for me, in the event where you still need to evade EM missiles and are out of counters, fly 90 deg away from the missile, go decoupled, and power off. Those EM missiles fly right by.

Major Con - Your ship is offline and will take about another 20 seconds to get back online with full shields.

Also works for IR missiles.


Hopefully the other missile types will also get a tracking buff in the future.
Missiles were never meant to be useless (against players, because against npcs who dont flare isnt a valid test).


If you get a lightning bolt icon don't use H use J and it works best when it's between you and the missile. It acts like a screen that confuses the targeting system.. this also works against yourself in a lot of cases as well. This has made this missile one of the easiest things to avoid since I learned how to properly use countermeasures. H is great for the fire icon or IR missiles. The cell phone icon is cross section missiles. The only effective way to escape this one for me is evasive maneuvers. It actively chases you so long as the radar on the missile is able to follow you and keep you within it's cone of sight. Idk if H or J does anything to this one.. I don't waste them anymore on this icon. Before I did and it never worked.. I was always taking hits, now I just go evasive maneuvers and get away from the damn things. Cross section and Electromagnetic are the most difficult for larger ships to get away from. Just a heads up for anyone wanting to carry a variety of missiles and not all the same shit.


This was really eye-opening, thanks! Also, you're a jerk for shooting me down during 9T last week :P


Try your suggestion this weekend over jump town. Once a launch was detected, I shut down shields and fire off several decoys. and turn away from the missiles in a steep climb. To my surprise, the missiles went right past me. my partner was able to lock on to the target before they could fire a second volley. Remember, to turn your shield back on and roll back on your target once your shield are back up. If you can fly with a wingman, this way the one who was not targeted can go after the target and keep the pressure on the aggressor until you can recover from the fire volley of missiles.


Thank you this has been a nightmare in larger ships.


Thanks for the video - you should invest in a pop filter to cut down on your mic plosives. Especially since you seem to like the proximity effect of keeping the mic so close :) Take it or leave it. Good things! 😉


Decoy and Noise counter messures are Flares and Chaff respectivly. Decoy/Flare for Heat and Noise/chaff for EM missiles


i was flying my Redeemer when those monstrosities came flying towards me, tried evading and boom, half my ship was gone and i had no control, the second hit powered my whole ship offline and i crashed landed...felt so stupid


Honestly this sort of gameplay that requires more than just the decoys to dodge the missiles do kinda brings more skill depth to the game. It's like how you wanna turn off the afterburner to dodge IR missile in modern air battle!

It is also a point where a system admin role can be valuable for multi-crew gameplay.


So we drop shields to avoid the em missile so the 3 Gladius were fighting with can rip straight hull


For small and medium fighters, I just corkscrew as the missiles converge and pretty much dodge every one. Can do this with any missile type if you are out of flares or whatever. When the beeping is really fast just do some hard corkscrews and watch them fly by.


I had been doing this for a long time, it can be risky if you have people close, but it works, sadly no one believed me that it was useful lol


Good video particularly identifying the flare sizes and size 2 shields being excessive in terms of signature. Only point I would say more emphasis on the flare count and strafing 90 degree and even corkscrew to shrug off still really good and informed solutions.


Oh. I never thought EM missiles were a problem but now I realize it's just because I'm poor and flying small ships :)


try that in a redeemer or corsair, before the shields are back up you will be either dead or have sustained so much dmg that you will be soon


this is why I still think a EW pod should take up a weapon slot just as a counter. Even if the pod itself transmits a false EM signature to forcibly disengage the lock (if there's a upper-lower limit for the munition lets say it doesnt lock on any target below 1000EM it'd transmit a EM burst of 1000 knocking the guidance off but forces a recharge for a set duration).


A well executed skided Roll will make ALL Missiles just straight up Miss you. No need for any Counter Measures and dropping the Shields. Sadly, only works in lighter ships and the Hurricane. Doesn't seem to work with Vanguards and the Scorpius (Vanguard to slow, Scorp to large ?)


I was noticing this after I dumped 3 bursts of 5 in my Scorpius. Tried to dump 10 at once, didn't break. Didn't think to drop shields! Would have saved me the horror of just watching my ship get blown up. I was indeed very sad.


Well this new light fighter with tons of em meta is super fun. Bummed I run out of 5 noises and have to turn of shields while I get peppered by laser fire… what design…
