Free Risers Cinematic Sound Effects SFX Pack - Free Download

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Get Free SFX for your next indie film or project.
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Hello, this is a wonderful SFX pack indeed! I'd love to use this SFX for my up coming short film project. I will put your name in my credit list as a SFX designer : )


I would like it to be possible to download the sounds one by one but I see that there is only one audio


Jesus te ama e quer te salvar.Ele morreu na cruz pra nos livrar do pecado e do inferno. Ele te ama e quer mudar a sua vida. Se você sentiu de recebê-lo como seu Salvador em seu coração apenas diga de coração: Senhor Jesus eu te aceito como meu único e suficiente salvador escreve o meu nome no livro da vida e cela com teu sangue e perdoa meus pecados, amém. Forte abraço família ❤. Jesus te ama


Jesus loves you and wants to save you. He died on the cross to free us from sin and hell. He loves you and wants to change your life. If you feel like receiving him as your Savior in your heart, just say from your heart: Lord Jesus, I accept you as my only and sufficient savior, write my name in the book of life and cell with your blood and forgive my sins, amen. Big hug family ❤. Jesus loves you
