Busy Developer's Guide to MeteorJS • Ted Neward • GOTO 2016

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This presentation was recorded at GOTO Amsterdam 2016. #gotocon #gotoams
Ted Neward - Ted is a Big Geek @TedNeward
Ever wished you could just focus on one language, and use that one language across all the various tiers and layers of your application, without creating a monstrous bloated mess?
If you're willing to have that "one language" be Javascript [...]
Read the full abstract here:
#MeteorJS #JS #JavaScript #TedNeward
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Ted Neward - Ted is a Big Geek @TedNeward
Ever wished you could just focus on one language, and use that one language across all the various tiers and layers of your application, without creating a monstrous bloated mess?
If you're willing to have that "one language" be Javascript [...]
Read the full abstract here:
#MeteorJS #JS #JavaScript #TedNeward
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