Reckless Operation [S2FM]

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A civil protection team is responding to reports of a miscount in restricted, infested subway tunnels, and discover a rebel network node.

This is the first 'real' S2FM project on my channel that I've actually put some kind of effort in, and first real attempt at creating an animation that tells a short yet coherent slice of life story. All feedback is welcome!

Created with Source 2 Filmmaker, and Half Life Alyx assets.

#s2fm #sfm #civilprotection #halflifealyx
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Finally. Somebody who remembers CPs aren't transhuman with excessively wiped memories.


Oh my god this is amazing, this reminds so much of the old civil protection series by accursed farms with mike and dave. This also needs more views.


5:56 im sure it was the outside announcer but the idea of CP finding rebel radio networks then playing a message alerting them that the combine are close by and actively looking for you is terrifying


This shows the depressing pristine hell the combine put onto everyone. We also see the remaining humans wether they held on. And the daily lives of those who joined Civil Protection willingly, conscripted, or got desperate to survive. But this is by far one of the most interesting S2FMs I've seen for a while.


Oddly wholesome the driver let his buddy sleep in before they arrived.


That guy riding shotgun napping on the way to the deployment site is one of those "yeah that checks out" kinda things.


This is straight up masterpiece!
I always wanted to see CPs as antiheroes, just like that! I like the fact that they are not completely brainwashed like soldiers or elite troops, they have personality and they talk and behave like normal people!


6:59 idk why but the way he runs was just hilarious


That final shot's lighting with the rebel and CP looking at each other was really cool. Great video!


Popped up on my feed and I’ve never been more satisfied. Looks so good. I could really feel the work you put in.


Enjoyed the general idea, but the execution was a bit rough. I'm still thoroughly impressed with what you've made, and there is a lot of heart in it. Some of the animations felt a bit jerky and stiff, specifically. Even with that in mind this was a nice end result. I hope you'll keep animating!


Man, this animation really shows how scary the combine are and shows the horror of half-life 2 amazingly


7:21-7:30, I feel like he's thinking something like "Wtf, I'm so done with my comrades, dumb as hell."


The resurgence of Half Life content through S2FM makes me so happy! Especially with new interpretations to build off of the civil protection, and combine procedures, and go into the depth that we don't see in the games themselves. Really proud of you Foxar. Whatever walls you've overcome while learning S2FM was well worth it, and I'm glad you pushed through!


This is amazing! By far the most ambitious S2FM I’ve seen yet! How does this not have more recognition? The mixing of voice lines was amazing, the animation overall was good, only the CP running animation looked off but I know that’s custom, the story was enjoyable and you were able to wordlessly communicate plot points. Great cinematography overall.


Really solid animation. One of the running sequences was funky, but what I can only assume was mocap looked smooth. Thank the weird, disgustingly invasive and persuasive algorithm that sent me here, not me.


This was great. The exploration of the combine from the combine perspective is seriously lacking in the HL universe, and I love every bit of this kind of content. You captured it exactly as I envision it and the focus on CPs without any full-on combine soldiers or especially overwatch really helps to capture the scale of everything; such as how substantial it would be to have combine soldiers on site etc. The games themselves tend to tear down the scale by having you mowing down hundreds of them, whereas this kind of story you're telling is so much more how I'd like the world of HL2 to be told. I'd love to see more in this style, from all mediums: games, videos, animations, mods etc, For now, I'm just happy I got to watch this today. Thank you. For feedback, I know you already know what you want to improve, so I'll just put emphasis on scene transition as the #1 part that needs improvement. Looking forward to more!


For once, a good fucking SFM that actually cares about how CP's are literally just the same thing as civilians, but working for the combine, its like a police job, but more off-center cause we cant see their faces.


This is the first sfm I’ve seen in source 2 and I’m well impressed


Really wonder if there are any TV shows like this - its really awesome following them along, especially since they're the bad guys so there's always a moral conflict inherent.
