Cloud storage types, and How to find the best cloud storage service for your business.

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In this video, we will talk about cloud storage types and how to find the best cloud storage service for your business.

There are mainly 6 types of cloud storage services. They have dramatically different features. There is no one best cloud storage service for all businesses! You need to find a best service based on your business requirements.

Based on how users access cloud files, the 6 cloud storage types are: Browser-based, Folder synchronization based, Drive Mapping based, Online Backup based, FTP based and Raw cloud storage.

Browser based cloud storage uses web browsers to access cloud files. It is easy and convenient, users don't need to install any software; but the user experience is very different from local file storage. It is not optimized for editing files or managing large number of files.

Folder sync based cloud storage is the most popular type of cloud storage. Dropbox, OneDrive and Google Drive are all folder sync-based. Users can access cloud files through a local folder synchronized with a cloud folder.

It is very easy to use. If the folder is already synchronized, then it is very fast to access files in the local folder. It works even if the device is not connected to the Internet.

The disadvantages are:
(1) It uses both local and cloud storage space. For businesses with many users and devices, it is very inefficient as data needs to be synced to many devices. which also makes it insecure as data breach could happen on any one device.

(2) It cannot support file locking. When you edit a cloud file, it only locks your local file. Other users may edit it at the same time and overwrite your changes.

(3) It cannot support millions of files as it will become too slow to sync so many files.

Backup-based cloud storage is a special type of cloud storage for offsite data backup and restore. The cloud files shall not be shared or edited.
Data is usually automatically backed up with an online backup program. It is very easy, and offers better protection than local backup. Your local files can be deleted without affecting the files already backed up to the cloud.

Drive Mapping based cloud storage is the easiest cloud storage. Users can directly access or edit cloud files through mapped drives without synchronizing them to the local drive. The cloud drive works just like a local drive. The advantages include:
(1) Extremely easy; (2) Does not require local storage space; (3) Granular security and access control. (4) cloud file locking for group collaboration. (5) Can replace all in-house file servers. It is ideal for businesses with multiple locations or users who work remotely.

The disadvantages are minor: it requires reliable Internet connection; and it is slower than a local drive when opening a large file.

FTP based cloud storage is very easy for users who are familiar with FTP. FTP and SFTP are widely used for transferring data over the Internet. FTP server based cloud storage can be accessed efficiently and reliably with an FTP client such as FileZilla. It can be used for file transfer, storage, backup and sharing.

The disadvantages are: (1) Requires FTP client software. (2) Cannot directly edit cloud files. (3) Limited features.

Raw cloud storage is part of IaaS service, such as AWS. The cloud files can be accessed with special APIs. It is for system integrators or solution providers, but not for regular users and businesses. While the cloud storage cost is usually low, users also need to pay for: virtual server machines, network bandwidth, server requests, etc.

Now you can see that different types of cloud storage services are dramatically different. To find the best service for your business, you need to understand your business requirements, and choose a storage type that can meet your business needs.

Most cloud storage services are folder sync and browser based. DriveHQ supports almost all types of cloud storage.

Рекомендации по теме

I understand DriveHQ supports cloud file locking. Is file locking supported in FTP and DriveHQ FileManager?


I tried to find a different cloud storage than Dropbox and Google Drive, but thought all cloud storage services use folder sync. I want to keep my files in the cloud but can access them easily from my computer and phone. I like drive mapping based storage.


Great to know the 6 types of cloud storage and that DriveHQ supports all 6 types. I like the service!
