Пасека в лесу на 6 июня. Положение дел.делаем отводки , роение пчел,пчелы несут мед нектар и пыльцу

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#пчеловодство, #Максималяпкин, #бытпчеловода, #Пасекавлесу, #роениепчел#,#Лето
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Доброго дня, друзья, забежали с дружеским визитом и полным просмотром


Приветствую тебя дружище!! Палец вверх с меня! Пчелки молодцы, позируют


Привет дружище отличный обзор, пчёлки трудятся во все лапки !Лайк от друзей!


Добрый вечер 🌆 Классно у вас Спасибо дорогой 🇩🇪


Эх лес, все зеленое, ощущается свежесть


Привет из РБ✊и у нас тепло! У пчёл своя жизнь- они же не знают, что они трудятся! А Макс трудяга👌👍👍👍


Привет, а водичка в ключе как слеза. Пчелки молодцы, трудятся!


Приветствую Максим! Размножения пчёлкам, развития каналу, тебе - здоровья! Хорошо у тебя на пасеке! А редьку дикую так и называли в детстве, потом нам учитель биологии сказал, что это свербига сибирская!


Максим, привет.За обзор спасибо.Пчелкам плодатворно по трудится в этом сезоне


It may be very difficult to climb this steep YouTube road, but if you are not attached to the results right now and feel grateful for the little things that grow little by little, even if it is very slow, think of it as a backpacking trip to go far and far alone, and if you keep walking step by step, I will I have a feeling of certainty and faith that your dreams will come true without knowing it. Thank you for letting me enjoy your precious video in this harsh YouTube world, where it is difficult to grow without your own love, passion, and lonely persistence. The YouTube algorithm introduced me to this place. Thank you for the algorithm like in the universe that made it possible to see a good video. It must not have been easy, but your enthusiasm is great. like everything else You are never alone because there are subscribers like me who are begging for your videos at this time. Do you know how dazzlingly valuable and beautiful your YouTube life is? As if nothing is easy in the world, it will be difficult for anyone to understand all of your hard work in video production unless you try it yourself. It would be difficult for anyone to know all of your hard work in video production unless you try it yourself. The growth of a YouTube channel seems to have a beginning and no end. As long as you're on YouTube, you can't ignore the algorithm, but no matter how rough the YouTube environment is, you can sweetly change the thumbnail you see right away, but you must not miss what you want to do with yourself. I have a feeling that your YouTube will surely succeed. So I think it would be best to keep focusing on what I want to do at that time and now. The YouTube world seems to resemble the rich, poor, poor, and poor, just like the world in which people live. YouTube seems like a long-distance marathon. Please continue to make more good videos from you. I hope that you will grow big as you have worked hard for your dreams, and at the same time, I will give you my heartfelt praise and support for your channel to gradually develop into a very large channel. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by the long comment.


Привет Максим. А когда у Вас взяток бывает?


Здравствуйте. Медведи улики не дербанят?
