Earn $1400 PER DAY from Google News (FREE)- How to COPY-PASTE and Make Money from Google | Mr Reis

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By the way nice video. The search extension is “keywords everywhere” thanks liking the video :)


He’s straight up 🧢
His content is “acting”. The videos have energy and has great quality to it while showing his face, which subconsciously makes it easier to trust him.

You can tell he’s doing well from whatever he’s doing, but to lie and deceive people is something I can’t ignore.

Plus his Channel is full of bots and most of the comments are fake. He is a red flag 🚩


It doesn’t work I tried all
videos from him and he skips those who like me are having issues when we really been following him and did all he said and nothing worked but he makes money just what do he do because what he is teaching I did every video he has up and made 0.00 just wish he was honest. I asked and my questions were skipped


I saw many videos of him still sceptical about trying yeah like you said $10 per day is understandable and believable honestly idk many people might be in dire need for money and will be devastated to know what they dod is waste time also $1400 per day? Bro engineers, blue collar job people would be leaving jobs and doing this all day literally 😅


I follow it step by step but it's not working, all e mail is failure invoice, all adress mail is not working, one is working jtor but they don't take the articles. So all is not working don't lose your time


Reis, I've tried your video and all the links, and in every site each writer's handwriting guides emails do no work and they have specific requests to actually meet the criteria and interviews to be considered as a content writer. So, this approach does not work at all.


He's full of s... I tried a couple of things none of them works


smh.. Jstor: it says, please read in pretty bold letters right, tho goes on to say We Do Not Accept Articles in what looks like to me slightly bolder letters


I have watched many videos but many are vague and seem questinabble. I haven't seen him do any of the things he shows.


He's speaking so fast and convoluted, repeats himself many times. It's hard to follow. A step by step guide with a little evidence at the end would be so much better.
Honestly, I think he's just trying to get his veiwing stats up. Thank you.


Is funny because all the techniques shown by Mr. Reis are very old techniques, and he claims that they are new never seen before, blah blah. I watched a video today of him dated only a few days ago where he claims that nobody is talking about this so called brand new technique about Google Maps, and OMG, the technique is decades old. And this technique here about articles spinning form Google news to then sell it to these sites is decades old as well. Zzzz Good luck Mr. Reis


You can't like a video without watching it first.


Reis actually made this video copying from a video of another channel "What In The Random". The most interesting thing is he actually kept the exact Title. I don't know how YouTube has allowed it. 😒


of course it's scam, if it really works, he should've shown us he actually tried it, and must have shown us actually he got money from them, but he only blah blah blah, didn't show us actually he got money from those 3 sites, just copy and paste and you get the money?? that's ridiculous, what if everybody copy and paste from exact same google news? that's nonsense


Daniels Hustle already did this months ago
