You feel them interfering with your energy any time you try locking in another connection. [Reading]

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You feel them interfering with your energy any time you try locking in another connection... This is a twin flame reading or soulmate reading (which may also resonate as a divine feminine reading or divine masculine reading for some). In this reading, we will be discussing soul-based vs 3D-based connections as well as some specific connections you might be dealing with in your own life. I hope this reaches whoever needs to hear it. ♥︎ Sending love, - Infinity ∞

** Just a Reminder: My only Instagram is @MagnetizeYourself spelled exactly that way & I will never privately message, follow, email or DM for a private reading [anyone who does this is impersonating me and scamming, please do not send them money]. Anyone who replies in the comments asking you to email, text or message them privately for a reading is also scamming. Be safe ♥︎
𝙋𝙖𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙤𝙣 𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙢𝙪𝙣𝙞𝙩𝙮


𝙎𝙤𝙪𝙣𝙙 & 𝙎𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙛𝙪𝙡 𝘼𝙥𝙥
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After so much struggles I now own a new house and my family is happy once again everything is finally falling into place!!


"You cannot outrun your destiny just because you're terrified of it." Contemporary stories that gain collective currency often occur just when they are resonant and needed.


I've been having a rough time these past two days. Praying for peace, innerstanding, understanding, clarity, grace and mercy🙏🏾💜🕊️🔥


Omg, this title made me remember a time when I was trying to move on from his energy and the whole situation with our connection, I went out for a drink with another masculine and that night, my DM appeared in my dream and told me that he was coming back. The following day, I went somewhere and guess who was there? Yesss, he was at the same place!! 😰🥹😁 I'm looking forward to listening to this, I'm pretty sure it's going to be a good one! Thanks a lot Infinity! 🙏 🧡✨️🙌🙇🏻‍♀️🪷💫♾️


I’m having all kinds of “interferences” from my twin, from mood shifts to sudden thoughts to sleep disturbances and odd dreams. I’m hoping that when we finally come into union that can both get the best sleep of our lives. I’d love to be just joking around about this, but I’m tired and he’s stressed. 🤷🏽‍♀️😮‍💨❤️


Just when I am beginning to believe that my TF is having a super awakening he falls right into an endless downward spiral back into a black hole with his dark habits who never seems to cease the light of day. Instead of spiraling up he chooses to go in self-sabotage mode. I don’t want to give up on hope but I’m starting to let go. It hurts to see him this way so I turn my cheek towards a new horizon. I welcome my Warrior of Light. Thank you Infinity for being this beacon of light to all ❤


You are absolutely right about shifting. I cannot tell you how many times I’ve told people my 58 years on this earth feels like I’ve lived 1000 years and almost a dozen different lifetimes! I have distinct chapters in my life I’ve lived and then changed things completely up, moving to another distinct and very different chapter. Never thought about this as separate timelines, but it makes sense.


Your readings are different in the past month. I am beyond thankful, full, complete mind body & soul. Thank you for being you ❤


Twinflame = NO
Soulmate= WTF, dude?
New Dude= HELL NO!!!



Incredible, that's exactly what I said to him, thankyou for accurate channeling ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


I’m on a train rn in Finland. Went to the arctic circle today. I’m blessed but I sacrificed everything & on my solo journey on the other side of the world now. Long term. Starting fresh. Hard but feeling strong & blessed.


Thank you for confirming Infinity. I could feel spirit was chasing some people off. I suspected it was actually my twin flame doing it. But I never really got confirmation of that. Except she never did the one thing she repeatedly told me: "Just show up". But when I tried focusing on myself, and moving forward that's when signs, synchronicities, and other strange stuff happens. It seems I have far less free will than most.


This is me 100% in relation to constantly shifting timelines.
I am now more consciously aware when this happens and I have external physical signs/markers which confirm this, including changes within my physical appearance.
Thank you for explaining this phenomenon so eloquently Infinity as this is the first time that I have heard an explanation.
I know that I can change timelines a number of times in a day depending on what company I am with at that time.
For example, if I am conversing with low vibrational people then I “visit “ their timeline in order to blend in and vica versa I visit a higher timeline with enlightened people.
I am now aware that I have been capable of doing this over my lifetime which explains how I have felt invisible in certain scenarios.
I find this fascinating and fun at the same time.

Jokingly I call it shape shifting!!

Many thanks 🙂


I can’t believe how this reading fully described what I am going through… absolutely incredible. I feel what is happening is truly Divinely guided.. I have an extremely deep soul connection with him.. he is my warrior.. and I feel he always steps in to defend my path.. he is actually at a distance geographically.. but senses when he needs to swoop in with communication!!
It’s like he’s reminding me of our mission together.. but he’s not quite ready in this moment. But when he reached out the last time.. it felt like it is nearly time.. Divine timing ♥️🥰🔥 the love I have for him is unexplainable.. like I’ve shared several lives of deep & passionate love with him.. he did let slip how deep his love is for me too.. and he’s never let on his feelings like this before!! It’s like I’m living in the moment but I’m reserved ONLY FOR HIM!! 🙏🏼🥵🔥❤️‍🔥💫✨
I feel I don’t need to know when .. I feel in the state of full trust in him.. that he will sense when it is time !! I feel he has an urgency now though 🙏🏼💫


CHILLS. He actually said he feels like he was a warrior in a past life. He recently sent me a song and the lyrics- “lover please stay with me”- were very emotionally charged. It’s stuck with me for a few weeks now. This is so spot on I have goosebumps. Ty so much I can’t wait for the extended. Ty as always ❤️‍🔥🕊️🫶🏼


The only protection I need.. is protecting myself AGAINST him


Yes, he is fiercely loyal to me and even though I'm moving on he holds a flame for me... He's my best friend, I wish I could give him the love he deserves but he missed his opportunity with me twice over a decade of me waiting... I outgrew the connection and he's struggling to catch up. Thank you Infinity 🙏✨💛


You might be the only person who really knows me, lol. Ty💗


I'm not trying to lock onto another connection.
My wife and I split up 2 years ago.
I haven't even pop kissed another girl since then.
I found another girl I have a SUPER STRONG Spiritual Connection with. And I have strong feelings for.
But only God knows what will happen. I know that she's who I want to date.
I just wish we could speak.
And WOW, one of my pairs of shoes says 23 on the back of them. They're sitting side by side and say 2323, RIGHT NOW. 10 feet away from me. Cool Synchronicity, Infinity!
And I feel like there's no other choice either. Any other time line would be so much less fulfilling. I just wish she would talk to me, and explain things to me in person. I wish she would explain why she doesn't want to talk to me or explain what's going on? I feel crazy because I like her so much already. I don't understand why we can't speak. I'm embarrassed to tell her how I feel about her. lol


808 watching when I joined, def an angel number
