TV Remote Jammer | Remote Jammer | IR Remote Control

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❖ Description ❖

In this tutorial, we will look at How to make "TC Remote Jammer Circuit using 555 timer" Step by Step completely

555 timer IC is an Integrated Circuit that can be used for so many different types of applications like Timer, Pulse generation, Oscillator, a Memory element, etc.

TV remote control is a commonly used device in our everyday life. Would you like to surprise your family members or friends by making this fun circuit namely "TV remote jammer circuit"? Yes, you can use this circuit to stop the working of your TV remote and nobody would have a clue about why that stopped working. This project we have designed is a simple circuit, which blocks the communication established between TV and remote control. (Also check this IR remote control tester circuit)

❖ Hardware Required ❖

+5v power supply
IR (Infra-Red) LED (2 pieces)
555 Timer IC
220Ω, 1KΩ and10KΩ resistors
2N2222 transistor
100KΩ preset or pot
10nF or 22nF capacitor

Elektronomia - Sky High [NCS Release]
Рекомендации по теме

Sir you can tell me once that what are things in description


why did u use 100k ohm resistor? the circuit says 10k????


May I know at what value of 100kilo ohm potentiometer does this work?


I made circuit connections in right way but it's not working.what may be the problem.I used near IR LED.


sir i use 10 k potentiometer sir and 1 ir led then it is work


Can you please make it for me i will paid you all the cost
