Peaceful Piano & Soft Rain - Rain in my heart, Relaxing Sleep Music

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Peaceful Piano & Soft Rain
Relaxing Sleep Music ~ Beautiful Melody


❋ BigRicePiano


~ The Soul of Wind ~



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✔ This video was given a special license directly from the artists.


_The Soul of Wind_
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22 years old this January, still haven’t figured out my path. Single mom, she always was sick in and out of the doctors. No guidance growing up and had to be the man of the house with 3 brothers including myself. Working 2 jobs for a total of 70 hours a week to provide and make something of myself. Going into construction this coming June and I’m very frightened for what’s to come. But I know it’s best for me even though I’ll be in “hell” for a year and 3 months. Even though, I face all these adversities I still manage to smile and make people find a reason to be happy and have a positive outlook on life. Be grateful for what you have, because your opportunities are very different than the person next to you in class or at the work place. Always share your knowledge and pass on your messages. I hope anyone who reads this can find comfort that they’re not alone in this cold and selfish world. Let’s strive to be our best version of ourselves and look out for those in need.


I am in my bed, listening to this music, my window is open and outside I can hear crickets...
This is the perfect night...
This is the perfect dream...
Thank you 😴✨


How strangely evocative, this music is. Scrolling through the comments, I was surprised to see how many people had shared a story of their pain. It made me think about how the simple act of sharing, but also being heard, can make you feel a little bit less lonely.

Don't worry, my friends. You are heard.


If you're staying up at night and your eyes are puffy because you're crying as the thoughts in your mind keep telling you bad things. We're here for you. We might be strangers from all over the world but i assure you, we are here for you in prayers and when your time in need.♡



"A faint clap of thunder
Clouded skies
Perhaps rain comes
If so, will you stay here with me?

A faint clap of thunder
Even if rain comes not,
I'll stay here,
Together with you..



I still cant bleave how relaxed this side of the internet it, this small section thats nice to talk, no politics, no arguing, no stress, only think youll find here is peace and someone to help you if you need emotional support or a freind and god do i love it


Literally 1 % people who are reading....May you parents live happily healthily for more then 💯 years😇❤️💙❤️🙏😇


Vicktor Frankl, Austrian psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor has said, “The secret to enduring great suffering is not in imagining its end, but in finding meaning in its present....”. So if you are suffering today I grant you the peace which passeth all


I love rain, I love itz smell, I love it very much, I love to hear the sounds of raindrops falling on the watching it calms me down reminds me that there are times when the sky is tired of smiling upon us the world and is finally letting us know that ...I am tired too


I feel so calm when I listen to this music... like a sense of serenity comes to me when I just feel like chaos inside. People tell me they care about me, but when the time comes no one helps. It makes me feel like I’m truly alone in the world. I try so hard to make myself look happy for others, but I get so fed up with it sometimes. I desperately want to tell someone: I’m not okay; I’m not fine. But in the end I know they won’t listen to me. Still, I believe there is going to be a day where I won’t feel like this, so I’m just going to preserve until. Sorry I wanted to put it out there especially since I see so many comments talking about their own feelings. I hope it makes some people feel they are not alone.

Thank you to anyone who read this... I know it seems simple but it makes me feel better. We always force ourselves to be happy when we are not and now having known someone knows my pain makes me have no regrets. Thank you.


Idk how but anytime when I'm listening to this vid make me feeling like I'm missing someone that i don't even know 😔


This really makes me want to sit at my piano and just play all my feelings away. I’ve been very sad for awhile now, but it has gotten worse lately. I’m afraid for my future because I’m not sure how I’m going to keep persevering. I’m a nervous wreck, I have no friends, and people are always making fun of me. I used to not let the teasing get to me, but it’s really gotten tiring. I just find myself not wanting to do anything but at the same time I really just beat myself up about it all. I get so angry at myself for the way I feel. Music is mainly what keeps me sane, I don’t know what I’d do without it. Anyway, I’m not sure if anyone will read this, but I thought I’d share what I’m feeling since many others have too. I wish the best for everyone ❤️❤️❤️


So I had an exam and I didn't prepare well, so I decided to wake up at 4 AM to study for it even more, all stressed and unable to concentrate.
So I found this music, perfectly sooth my soul, things got easier, goodbye stress and depression.
Thanks a lot for making this, sincerely, this saved me. <3


This seems like a good place to dump emotions. Its the new year and I'm alone. I'm trying so hard to plase everyone and do well in school but I'm still alond here. I'm in my room suffocating on my own thoughts. I'm overwhelmed and numb. I don't want to start a new chapter in my life like this, I can't bear it..


To the person reading this, Good Luck! Stop stressing, everything will be okay. No matter what hardships you are facing right now, you can and will make it through it!


My favourite lullaby, puts me to sleep even on the most stressful of nights💙


Thank you for this, my sister couldn't sleep and I played this video for her, and now she is able to sleep soundly and peacefully ^^


You’ll realize that you’ve truly loved someone when you learn to let them go.


To all the people who read this comment. If you see this know that if you are going through something tragic you’re not alone and that we are all going to go through something in life. I regret so much in life because I had opportunities that I never even grasped onto. You never know when something will come to an end. So make the best of times while it last.


Cover photo is from Garden of Words!!!! Perfect photo for the mood of these songs!! Amazing!
