Peaceful Piano, Soft Rain & Relaxing Music - Sleep Music, Stress Relief

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Peaceful Piano, Soft Rain & Relaxing Music - Sleep Music, Stress Relief


❋ BigRicePiano



~ The Soul of Wind ~


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✔ This video was given a special license directly from the artists.


_The Soul of Wind_
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Hey, you there! 😊
I'm just passing by to tell you that you don't need to worry.
You don't need to worry about anything, it'll be fine.
Your life will be beautiful. Even if it doesn't go the way you'd like it to, it'll be amazing.
There will be that person that will deeply love you no matter what.
While we can't predict which, life offers gorgeous moments.
Appreciate every moment.
Things can change, but that doesn't imply that's negative; no, change can utterly improve your life at any second.
Don't be scared something will end; don't be scared someone might leave or pass away - be happy they are here in this very moment!

You are loved and appreciated by so many people.
Would you confirm this?

If you couldn't, you were lying. I'm right here loving you and giving you all my appreciation for existing and being this beautiful person.
Lots of love to everybody reading this.
If somebody needs a hug, I'll be here.
Stay the way you are; that way, and no other, you are perfect. 💕


Glad to meet all the higher consciousness people here. you are my tribe, my support. I feel so alone with family and friends not understanding me about stuff like this. Much love and light everyone <3


"Why do I love the rain? I love the rain because when I cry, I'm not alone, it surrounds you in warmth, that makes you want to let go, of everything."


I still remember that day as any. As the rain fell on the city streets, she hugged me. Little did I know it would be the last time. I stepped off of the doorstep to her quaint little home in the suburbs. I tossed one last glance her way and mouthed the words 'I love you.' As soon as I stepped off of the curb to get into my car, a drunk driver turned the corner. I'd say he was going about 50. However fast he was going, it was fast enough that he couldn't hit the brakes before seeing me. His Ram truck had slammed into me sending me flying down the road. I can't help but laugh now as I see the irony. But then I didn't have time to laugh. In fact, the last thing I remember was the paramedic telling me to stay with him. I don't know where I am. I don't know if this is heven or hell. If you are reading this then it got to you somehow. I'm sorry. I love you.


Even when life hits you and everything seems dark, there's a way to stop being sad and it's called patience.
There are some things that can only heal with time, no matter how hard your try, time is the answer to all of your problems.
In life, there are ups and downs, and if you are down right now, you should know that eventually, you will rise up and enjoy life again.
So be patient my friend, and remember that there is someone out there, that still loves you ❤️


This makes me feel so nostalgic for a life I've never lived


*Ah, adventurer! Your back!*

*I missed you, so much!*

*Come here, drink some soup.*

*Ah, adventurer, are you ok?*

*Oh, don't be sad, it'll be alright, don't frown, show me a smile!*

*Your so cute when you smile, adventurer, you should smile more, hehe*

*Just like this one guy i saw in an anime, All Might.*


*I know him, so smile more often, ok?*


*Hey, hey. Have this. 🍙*

*Yep, a riceball. Take it with you when you are hungry, so if i suddenly disapear, keep it as an rememberance from me.*

*Ok, always remember that.. i love you.*

*Everything will be alright.*

*Don't cry, there there.*

*Please, be happy.*

*I will be waiting fir you, im sorry our conversation has to end here, *

*Always remember, i am always here for you.*



Lovely illustration of Vancouver's skyline from North Vancouver. It's nostalgic to see it change over the last 40+ years. I must have ridden, walked, drove and waited along that scenery over 300 times in my lifetime so far. I've been in some of those buildings for work, for friendship, for love. The Germany embassy is in that white building in the middle, next to the IMAX theatre. Oh, I remember Expo 86 too... The Concorde flying over... That time I got wasted drunk as my friend punched me because I was trying to rescue him from making a mistake... Or when I used to walk around there at 2 in the morning with Yi... Or the numerous bike rides with Pat, J and Ryan... Or that time with... This song is nice. ^_^


Listening to songs like this makes me think that humanity is failing to be what it is meant to be. We could live by peace and go on with our lives but we choose to fight each other over things we made ourselves. We have so much potential for peace, but we choose to ignore it.


This music just makes the feeling of standing on a railing and watching the whole city while it rains and be just deeply in thought. It makes me feel like going to another world full of no stress hatred no conflict nothing just your own happy life with the person you love and do anything you want go see the stars in the night watching the sunset all kinds of things but just one wish i want is to have somebody beside me i love but thats impossible for me.


I remember this was my favorite sound to listen to when I go back home. After a great celebration at my relative's house, I trudged after my parents to my dad's pickup truck. They would chat as they got in though their voice lingered tiredness. Once we put on our seatbelts, the light in the car quickly dims down ;the street lights faintly illuminates inside the dark, and the car rumble off in the road. Wearily, I shift myself to lean against the seatbelt. Just when I would drift to sleep, droplets of rain tapped on the window. I merely observe two of the droplets racing down the window and I continue to watch the small spectacle. As I watched the rain, the truck would go fast then slow and it would turn in a soft gravity like feeling. Feeling I've watched enough of rain, I shuffle around in my seat. I bring my legs close to my body and, weirdly, found a comfortable spot. Then I allow the tiredness to blanket me to sleep.


I wish everyone will findpeace in their own world ;>


It is currently raining right now where I live and this made my morning even more peaceful. Thank You.


My life is just going through a hard moment. That's what everyone says. "Everything will be ok"...
For the last 3 years I'd cried at nights before getting sleep. I know it's not the end of the way, but it's hard to face it by my own.
Thanks dude. Don't know why but your music videos make my nigths better. I hope some day I'll find peace that it gives me.


Rain makes me cry, the longing and sadness i feel is just too much that i cry. And i dont even know why i feel that, maybe in past lives i lost something so precious that ive cried to it to every life i'll get to live.


No one will probably read this but i wanted to do an update. I posted earlier about going to NC for the birth of my first grandchild. Well I'm still in NC and to witness the birth was beautiful. I'm so blessed with this healthy happy grandson. I'm proud of my getting here with anxiety, depression and pstd with a dash of copd. I'm not afraid to ask and the airline supplied the wheelchair and someone to push me the entire trip. I'm in my 60's so i think I'm okay! Bless all of you. ❤


feeling like someday I will travel where this music takes me, sleep under the cherry blossoms and worry about nothing else, time would stop and the petals will remain timeless with this music.


I hope everyone can take a moment or two to stop, catch your breath, close your eyes and listen to this beautiful piano piece at least once a day. I like to do it while doing dinner dishes. My chores are done and it's me time. Stay safe and take a moment for yourself everyday, you deserve it. Xoxo


you know when youre jelous of anime shows because their friendship is so perfect, they protect one and other, and when they come to a villain, they say stay back youre going to get hurt. It just makes my heart melt to see that they care about you. .then i wonder why cant i have that? But then i realize i have people who love me too, so remeber that when you feel alone.


Being teased about your English accent is such a bad thing to have, I'm from Egypt and whenever I talk to someone online in English they just say : " go learn some English " and most of the times I get blocked, what I want to tell you whoever reading this is that there are a lot of things that you have and you should be thankful about it, something like your English accent is a big thing and you should be proud that you have that accent, we all have things we should be proud of but unfortunately we don't feel it except when we lose it, be proud of yourself, and have a great day
