Top 5 Teams For Arlecchino In Genshin Impact

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Today, we are discussing 5 teams I think will work well with #arlecchino #genshin #genshinimpact
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I think with Arlecchino with Jean C6 and Xinqui + filler Cryo/Dendro/Electro/Geo unit gives Arlecchino 100% damage reduction, 40% from Jean, 35-38% from Xinqui rain swords, 20% from Arlecchino passive and 15% from 4 different element resonance. Still gets VV shred, still gets vapes here and there.


They released the banner and Chevy isn’t on it, which is kind of annoying (people are speculating she’ll be on Clorinde’s banner instead, so hopefully you won’t have to wait too long to get her). I have Chevy already, but not many cons.


My plan is to use Father in two types of teams: Vape (Father, Bennett, Zhongli, and Xingqiu) and Overload (Father, Chev, Fischl, and Beidou)


pretty good video, now everyone listen to this dish i cooked:
Arlecchino, Raiden, xinqiu, xianyun (let me explain)
first : xinqiu 35% damage reduction + 20% arlecchino passive + 15% 4 elements team
since damage reduction stacks additively you will get 70% reduction + interruption resistance thanks to xinqiu
now to the fun part : arlecchino damage scales with bond of life, which means if you go for 22s rotations you get 19 hits on average from which the last 8-9 are gonna be weak, however, since you are gonna include 4-6 plunges in your combo, not only you will get harder hits and fill the weaker ones with the plunges but you will also keep your bond of life for the next rotation and start it with a 200 bond of life (you wont need to use your ult) since you wont take damage thanks to you huge dmg reduction and the fact that you can easly dodge hrd attacks by jumping into the air, you might ask why raiden and not fischel right? well first raiden off field damage even tho lower, its aoe, more confortable, and you get the option to full battery the entire team if some boss ruins your rotation at some point and you get energy issues, slam her with a refinement 3 favonious or higher and you burst will prock2 favonious passives and now you will never be stuck, you got infinite aoe electro off field application, jumping super fun combos with arlecchino and most of all you get vapes and overloads all the fucking time. genshin is a game to play for fun and im sure if played right this team will destroy the abyss, it might do it 10 secondes slower than the tryhard boring teams, but do you think it matters ? you will have so much fun and enjoy the true beauty of this game. tell me what you think SAMovement.


Kazuha and cheveruse can unlock some good teams for sure, thanks for your take on everything in the video


I'm gonna go with Father, Boba Daddy, Electro Mommy, and Geo Daddy


I think I might just go mono pyro with an Archaic Zhongli. That or go Yun Jin and Candace for the NA buffs. Maybe even thrilling tales Mona.


Arli+chev+Bennet+beiduo how about this team. chevrues with days pf the past gives all party member 8percent dmg and increase 40% attack if you have 40k hp on her and Bennet increase 1000 Attack depends on his talent and beidou has her shield and kinda help woth overload team


Is this an okay team for arlechinno? I just returned to genshin and now has to work with what i have T-T. My team: Arlechinno, Raiden, Xingqiu and Zhongli.


I was just gonna use zhongli, Arlecchino, Raiden, and yelan/furina


My finger slipped and i spent all my primogems oops (i seriously did spend them all for guaranteed furina/arle)


I am so worried that healers will clear her bond of life even tho she “can’t be healed”. Does anyone know if outside healing will clear her bond of life???


Overload vs Vape, which team is better ? 😢


I am proud of you sam. The first step is admitting when you have a skill issue now you can work on fixing it xD.


Yeah I’m skipping her because she overlaps too much with hu tao also her birth being the only way to heal her is kind of a dealbreaker for me


Soo with these teams have they ever been tested? (I think not)
