Maya Gabeira Hell of a Ride - Nazaré February 5th 2021

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Nazaré Big Wave Surf 2021

1 year after Maya broke her own record for the biggest wave in the world surfed by a woman, she was blessed with an incredible wave, one of the most beautiful waves I ever saw breaking in Praia do Norte, Nazaré.

"Better than surfing this wave was celebrating with @dinocarmo and @luisbendesa with a camera pointed at me in the water. The 3 vibrating! Thanks @sebastiansurfs for the wave !!" Says Maya on his Instagram. I just have to say that this is probably my best shot ever, and felt so good to capture it.
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Above Creators: all rights reserved
Filmed by Luís "Ben" de Sá / @abovecreators
Drived by Dino Carmo / @nazarejet
Copyright © 2020, Ben de Sá, all rights reserved

Surfer: Maya Gabeira

Location: Praia do Norte, Nazaré - Portugal
Date: 2021 February 5th
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The footage in this video is protected by copyright. To use or obtain a licence for the footage on this video for news articles, social networks, editorial pieces, TV broadcast or in a commercial player, please first contact me.

Ben de Sá


Nazaré, big waves, giant waves, big wave surfing, surf, tow in surf, empty waves, big barrels, biggest swell of the year, giant nazaré, nazaré big waves, nazaré 2020, gigantes de nazaré, nazaré big wave surfing, raw footage, maya gabeira, biggest, world record, guiness, giant, wsl big wave awards
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Animal, agora sim com material em condições. Melhor dupla dentro de água Dino Carmo & Luís Coelho 👌💪🏼🤘🏻


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