[English Sub] Fluke i400e AC Clamp Accessory- Measuring Large Current with a Digital Multimeter

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Hello! This is my overview of the Fluke i400e AC accessory clamp. For AC use only (not DC) it must be used together with a compatible digital multimeter (DMM) like a Fluke 115. In order to verify the readings, I used another clamp meter for comparison. The video will thus also show a Hioki CM4376 AC/DC clamp meter. It also features the UNI-T Pro UT191T as an example of a non-Fluke DMM that works well with the Fluke i400e. Comments are welcome. If you liked it, please consider sharing and subscribing. Thanks for your support. Have a nice day!
Disclaimer: I am not associated with Fluke or Hioki or with any of their merchants. I purchased these intruments out of my own pocket for personal use. I made this video as I am fond of electrical measuring instruments.
(April 2021 update: the new 2021 model unboxing and quick test:

00:00 start of i400e overview
00:11 background info on the i400e
02:19 Specifications
03:33 test 1- 2000 watts microwave oven
04:26 test 2- 400 watts conventional oven
05:00 test 3- 800 watts conventional oven
06:00 test 4- inrush current measurement 1
06:35 test 5- inrush current measurement 2
07:25 test 6- i400e with a compatible UNI-T UT191T
07:59 challenges of using the i400e
08:12 what i like about the i400e
09:09 the i400e up close
10:33 end
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Wow! This is exactly the video I was looking for. I just purchased the Fluke 117 and was looking for the right current clamp to work with it. You gave me the answer! Thanks!


Wow, I was considering purchasing a meter to troubleshoot in-rush amps. With this accessory, I will save a few bucks for sure. Thank you for this excellent video.


Great Video. I just purchased this device to use with my 87V .


Thank you for taking the time to make this video!! Does it do well with lower amps?


good video. Could you tell me if this clamp is compatible with the 116FC ?, and what would be the maximum AC measurement current. (I see in the video that you position the selector in mV)
I really need to know if this accessory replaces a 325 RMS meter.
Thank you so much


Do you know if there are clamps like this for DC current? Thanks in advance and Great Video.


Will this clamp work with fluke 87v without blowing the fuse inside the multimeter?
I’m kind of hesitant to use it because of the specs of the multimeter since it says it only does up to 10 amps and for 30 seconds it will do 20 amps


I have an Amprobe ACD 14 pro . I also have a Triplett CM24 current meter with inrush. and also a fluke 116.

when checking inrush on my vacuum cleaner the Amprobe read 44 +- amps on startup.
the Triplett measured 32 amps + - so I was curious to see which is accurate. after watching this video I decided to get an i400e to use with my 116. using the max feature with the 116 it was within 1-2 amps of the Triplett. so I was surprised to find the 12 amp discrepancy with the Amprobe


sir this i400e they can measure also below 1 ampere i mean mili ampere


Which multimeter do think is the best for residential use?


Good excellent video, I wanted to know if it will be compatible with the fluke 117? With this accessory I can measure the amperage in direct current as a security camera transformer, the battery of my car? etc. that is, can I measure amperage in AC and DC current?
Thank you


Would you know what the Hz response is for this tool?


this Fluke i400 clamp can be use on Fluke 116??


Hi sir. Where can i purchase the fluke i400e here in the Philippines? Any idea how much it cost? Nice video by the way. You inspired me to purchase this tool.


Will the fluke i400e work with the Fluke 116?


Does it work on any other brand multimeter?
