The Nursing Admission Process for Marian’s ABSN

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We want your nursing admission into the Marian University Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing (ABSN) program to be a smooth and simple process. ABSN student Duane describes his own admissions experience and getting into the Indianapolis-based program site.
“When I finally decided that I was going to go back and apply to nursing school, I sent emails on a Saturday morning to two other schools and Marian. Monday morning, I heard back from Marian,” he says.
Marian can help you jump into the online-based accelerated nursing program as soon as you complete your prerequisites, which you can also complete online through Marian’s Adult Programs (MAP). Often, these are straightforward, and you may already have credits or experience from your previous degree. As Duane says, “that’s what’s nice about the accelerated program is you already have a bachelor’s degree.” This can make the prerequisite process even faster.
As a bonus, you begin your clinicals during the first semester of the program. This stood out to Duane who says, “Marian has a great partnership with Ascension St. Vincent, so that’s where we do all our clinical time. They do a really good job of aligning our didactic work to be about where we’re at in our clinicals.”
As you begin the admissions process, it is important that you enter your nursing program with a strong mindset and that you are prepared to work hard. Duane shares, “it’s a tough program, but if it’s something you really want to do, you’ll find a way to get through it.” Regardless of your background or experience, if you are willing to put your mind to it, you can make it as a nurse through Marian University’s ABSN program.
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