Entropy under Disintegrations
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Juan Pablo Vigneaux
Abstract. We consider the differential entropy of probability measures absolutely continuous with respect to a given σ-finite “reference” measure on an arbitrary measure space. We state the asymptotic equipartition property in this general case; the result is part of the folklore but our presentation is to some extent novel. Then we study a general framework under which such entropies satisfy a chain rule: disintegrations of measures. We give an asymptotic interpretation for conditional entropies in this case. Finally, we apply our result to Haar measures in canonical relation.
Abstract. We consider the differential entropy of probability measures absolutely continuous with respect to a given σ-finite “reference” measure on an arbitrary measure space. We state the asymptotic equipartition property in this general case; the result is part of the folklore but our presentation is to some extent novel. Then we study a general framework under which such entropies satisfy a chain rule: disintegrations of measures. We give an asymptotic interpretation for conditional entropies in this case. Finally, we apply our result to Haar measures in canonical relation.