How many meals should I feed my puppy or dog per day? | Dog Nutrition Lessons | Ep 18.

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The Dog Nutrition Series is where you can learn everything you need to know about how to feed your dog. It comes with a free guide, with all the info you could ever need on dog nutrition.

My name's Cam and I'm a certified dog nutritionist and founder of The Dog Nutritionist. I have years of experience treating sick dogs and teaching owners how best to feed their dogs, so they can live the longest, healthiest and happiest lives possible.

I have made this free nutrition course and guide for all the dogs I've ever looked after, to all the dogs I will look after and for you.

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How many meals should I feed my puppy or dog per day? | Dog Nutrition Lessons | Ep 18.

#dogfood #feedingdogs #dognutrition
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For a decade now, i get people tell me im so wrong for feeding my dogs only once a day (and making their own food instead of buying regular dog food). Well My dogs are much older then everyone elses, and all super healthy and active. My sister, my friend, my ex all got the same breed actually the dogs are siblings 3 years apart. They are all obese, skin issues, missing teeth, while my dogs are living their best life.


About a month or so ago, I was having many issues with my frenchie. She was not eating her two meals a day. Vomiting was something kind "normal" for her. We already fed her natural food (not raw) since she was a puppy (she is now 5 years). She also has IBD.

After watching this video I tried 1 meal a day and oh my god what a difference it has been in her life. Yes, the first day she barfed but that was it. Second day was life as usual. She is more energetic than ever and is eating every little drop of food she can find.

Thank you so much for sharing this! I really appreciate.
Cheers from Brazil!


Just found this channel & have gone done the rabbit hole all morning watching ur vids...Great channel, keep up the good work😉


I was advised by a Zoologist that you should feed your dog as much as they will eat in a 20 minute time period once a day. I’ve used that method for over 20 years and all of my GSDs have lived over 12 years except one who fell to a hemangio sarcoma.


Thank you SO much for this life extending advice!!! My dogs are worlds healthier eating one meal a day! My Pomeranian is 18 yrs old and has only just recently started to slow down a bit, otherwise she has zero health problems and the energy of a puppy! Thanks again🙏🏽


My Cockapoo cleans his plate of raw food every morning. He was 2 last week. He has 125grams first thing, he's so excited when its breakfast time. Then we go for a run over the fields, he has another 125 grams when we get home. That's his main meal of the day. During the wintertime when he was getting less exercise he was putting on more weight rather than staying stable, so I cut him back to one plate of 125gram and reduced the amount of training treats he receives. He soon returned to his 11.6 kilo's and with the weather improved somewhat he is getting more exercise again. People forget that treats are for training purposes. I often see overweight dogs and they're usually dogs that are fed kibble and never go for a run off of the lead. My dog loves to run off the lead that is the best treat of the day for him. Our bodies weren't made to eat processed foods and nor were our dogs.


Not me applying some of these tips to my own diet 😂


oh! well i'm not an idiot then because both my dogs only want to eat once a day at night so I've just gone with that but my vet told me it was wrong and told me to feed them twice a day which my dogs actually don't want. They both want to eat last thing about 7-8pm. I was told it's bad for them to eat so late but they don't want food until that time. I'm feeling that the advice my vet gives always goes against what my dogs actually want to do naturally. And yes, they both hate kibble which is also what my vet advised so that's why I'm here because I am so confused about what the heck I'm supposed to feed my dog at this point and when I should do it.


Our dogs eat 3 meals a day and a snack before bedtime 😢 they are not obese but I'm so glad I found this channel so I can make the proper changes.


I realized I was over feeding my dog and have been trying to figure out how much she needs. I am now giving 1/4 cup of high quality kibble daily, with a cartilage chew… I’m hoping this makes a difference with time!


Thank you! Finally some good, logical advice.


You're the best bro!!!! This is so right.. I knew something was off when people feed 3 times a day.


Believe it or not, my dog CHOSE to eat one meal a day. I used to always give her breakfast and dinner but she would never touch her breakfast and just gobble down her dinner. So now, I simply give her a raw meaty bone/frozen stuffed trachea around 11am and some enrichment game with treats at 2pm, then feed her daily allowance at 7:30pm. Not only has she been eager to eat again, she is also thriving with this diet - no more turning her nose up on food, no more refusing to eat.


I agree but it’s not for my chihuahua puppy. I don’t overfeed him, I calculate his food weight precisely. But if I don’t feed him 3 times a day he starts shaking because his sugar drops. He’s 19 weeks old. I will feed him twice a day later in life but not sure about 1 time… We’ll see.


yeah, i think eating the most in the morning, and a small meal at 6 or 7 is just fine for a dog

The thing is not every canine has lived in the wild I own a pug cross jack Russel and he wouldn’t survive in the wild
He is 6 months old and he is very healthy he always gets compliments on his shiny coat and overall condition
He is fed twice per day but high quality food by a excellent company
The thing is not everyone can manage a raw diet or have the facilities to do so
I myself are disabled so therefore I’m unable to do this
My dog also goes to the vet every 2 months and he always get compliments
Chihuahuas also which I have also owned in the last I used to feed him 3 times per day just to make sure he wasn’t just full but also his blood sugars didn’t drop and he had the energy to grow and fight of any infections he was only 3kgs when he was older he only reached 4 kgs


I wish measurements were in cups, etc. Here in the states we don't use the metric system. Yes, I can look them up, but itnwould be so much easier if they were already included. Thanks.


If I click on the link I only see paid products. Where do I find the free guide?

Also, thanks for the great vid!


Thanks cam very helpful as usual happy new year😉


I feed 2x daily I split one meal into 2, so he gets 1/2 a cup am/pm and it's homemade. 11 yo cocker with a gr8 definition and not overweight..8-10 hours apart
