Frank Stephens will change how you see Down syndrome | Voices for the Voiceless #ExtraordinaryHuman

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Frank Stephens grew up in a world that questioned his worth. But he's determined to build a more loving and inclusive world for people with Down syndrome. #ExtraordinaryHuman #NotSorry

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Hes speaking the truth I have a daughter with downs syndrome I was told she may have downs syndrome when I was pregnant as they noticed in scans she is great and does so much people need to wake up and realise they can live independently


He is intelligent and ....has a sense of humor


Holy crap. This may be the most articulate person with DS I've ever seen. It's truly amazing. 👏❤


This man is above the norm..Most are not this intelligent or can live on their own..Good for him...


My uncle had down syndrome, he was low funcioning and had the brain of a four year old…he died when he was 49, and we miss him everyday.


I have learning disability myself.. nit down syndrome.. I've made an amazing life for myself.. I work as a care giver for physically disability people.. I love my job.. I took classes for this job.. not at a college but the classes were runned by the company that hired me.. now I've been working for this one lady who had a brain aneurysm an 2 stories for the last 6 years


This is a real man. Frank Stephens is a man dedicated to the cause he’s helping and this is a man who from day one, hasn’t changed his attitude. We need more people like Frank in the world. We need to learn to live together in peace, love and harmony.


Very inspirational man. He seems very intelligent and polite - people need to listen to him!


This man is an angel in human form. He is doing the world a huge service. Frank, keep on spreading your message!


This is totally true, they are same like us, and really, best part of us. Full, pure love and happiness and joy. I have a son with Mosaicisme of SyDown, I never had seen someone like him before, he changed not only our life, he change the lives of many people around us. He is pure goodness, love and happiness as all other people like him. He loved music, dancing, video games and he was passionate about things as all of us are. Sadly he is not anymore here with us, except in our hearts, he passed away on 5th July 2022 . But he forever changed our lives and the lives of many people who know him. We will never forget him, and life will never be the same again without him. I want to say that: It's a shame that anyone in this world has to justify their existence. Especially human beings who are in many ways better than most of us who still walk this planet. We have to change that.


Frank keep speaking and telling people how great down syndrome is! People are not taught about the positives! I have a 3 year old son with Down syndrome and he’s such a happy, lovable, strong, and smart person such a blessing!!


It’s truly devastating to hear him say, “we just want to live”
God Bless this man.


My Son has Downs Syndrome and He's the greatest Person to ever influence and change My Life in so many amazing, positive and wonderful ways!! This World is a Joyful Loving Place with Them in It 🦋


What an absolute gem of a person! He is shining so bright


Frank's speeches need to be everywhere! Moves me to tears.


What an absolutely lovely man. So intelligent and articulate. I would love to go hear him speak.


That this Man feels and says he has to justify and beg for the love of “humanity “ Dear are faaar above and beyond us... you are above us... you embody humanity ....


This man is a man of the theatre and I love it! Such a passionate speaker!!


You are an amazing man with incredible talent, I lost my brother who had down syndrome and I loved him very much.
The love I felt from him, the compassion, his zest for life, his enormous love for music the simplest of things in life he enjoyed made me realise what we all should appreciate around us. You yourself is an inspiration to me as was my brother, you my brother and all who have downs syndrome are a gift from god, we need to learn from you all how to love each other the way you do.
I'm so glad you are all here on this earth to teach us how we should all accept what we have in life, like my brother I love you all.


God bless this beautiful soul. I worked in disability years ago and like any person there is different levels of intelligence. I have to say people with Down's syndrome are just pure joy and a blessing in their innocence. It breaks my heart anyone would abort for any reason including that one!
