George Lopez Disses Jay Leno, Conan O'Brien | HPL

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Actor, comedian and author George Lopez joins Jacob in-studio to talk about his thoughts on Jay Leno and the Conan fiasco.

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Conan used that huge check to pay his staff when they were out of work.


Why the hell is lopez putting down conan for being a nice guy?


Ok, so let me get this all together: Conan Got screwed, was offered to come to TBS, and originally refused out of respect of George Lopez's show. George Lopez then offers Conan a slot in order to get a boost in his favor. His plan backfires, he gets cancelled, Conan offers him some venting relief, and Lopez in return calls him soft and basically dissed the guy (whom I might remember he OFFERED to come to TBS.)
that doesn't make you look like a sore and whiny douche at all, Lopez.


Lmao comparing his run on TBS to Conan's many years on NBC.


Unnecessary to say that about Conan especially when he was calling him to offer sympathy and help :/


Conan's show was and is hilarious and popular also it was Lopez who played the Race card on his finale and DID NOT TAKE IT AS A MAN


People seem to forget that Conan used that 40 mill to pay his staff after they were canned unexpectedly and after a large portion of them had moved across the country.


Wait so Conan calls you knowing your going through a hard time and he offers to be there for you and you brush him off like what ever Lopez no wonder we don't hear anything about you anymore


George I'm disappointed, especially after Conan had exhibited sympathy for you on his show...


Conan made a big deal of his "firing" because he had the Tonight show! The TONIGHT SHOW! The most successful late night talk show, plus it was his dream to host the tonight show, like the greats before him, but the Lopez tonight was just a little 250, 000 viewer show, nothing as incredible or special or coveted as the Tonight Show


Lopez's canceled show "didn't get the same respect" as Conan's canceled show, because Conan had been a late night host on nbc for almost 20 years. Conan and his show (particularly Late Night) were both more popular than Lopez and his silly talk show. Personally, I had no idea Lopez's show had been canceled until just now! because I'd never heard anyone say anything about it. because NO ONE CARES.


I think it was a little different situation with Conan. Conan had been with NBC for 20 plus years and I'm sure had a contact when he got the Tonight Show...and only had it for 6 months before they took it back, so of course he got a 40 million dollar exit agreement. Plus, some of it went to his staff and then probably towards the tour.


sometimes its not about money. Its about a dream. And those 40 mil were also for his staff because everyone relocated from NY to CA.


Lopez dissing someone about being not funny? Thats rich


Conan's exit from NBC was very different. He was bound by contract to not do TV shows elsewhere, not to "compete" with the Tonight Show. for a while, his world HAD ended. George here saying he took it like a man, while bitching about it is the ultimate irony


The money Conan received was the money from the contract breach NBC made, when they canceled him. He was promised that show/time slot for years to come.
They were financially bound to pay him regardless if he stayed or left.


Theres a difference here lopez lost a little show on cable, and Conan lost The Tonight Show. I don't know if you know this but the tonight show is basically the holy grail of tv.


The problem is that Conan is funny. Lopez is about as funny as a baby dying.


Talk about bitter, what a nasty attitude towards someone who offers help regardless of circumstance. You want $40 mil? Go out and do a comedy tour or event, the wisest people know that you should never compare a person's worth by their monetary value but in good character & deeds. This was cringe to watch!


Exactly. Conan had nothing but good things to say about George ever since he joined TBS and appreciated George moving to a later time slot. Conan wasn't offering for George to vent to him because their situations were the same, he was just offering as a friend. Also, the reason Conan got a huge payoff was because NBC was contractually obligated to if they wanted to replace him.
