Stephen Meyer's Debt to New Atheists Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Krauss

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Stephen C. Meyer received his PhD in the philosophy of science from the University of Cambridge. A former geophysicist and college professor, he now directs Discovery Institute’s Center for Science and Culture in Seattle. He has authored the New York Times best seller Darwin’s Doubt: The Explosive Origin of Animal Life and the Case for Intelligent Design (HarperOne, 2013), Signature in the Cell: DNA and the Evidence for Intelligent Design (HarperOne, 2009), which was named a Book of the Year by the Times (of London) Literary Supplement in 2009, and now, The Return of the God Hypothesis (HarperOne, 2021), a USA Today and Publisher's Weekly national bestseller.


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This is Dr. Meyer's eloquent and respectful way of saying "You're making my point for me!"


I love it when you give credit to atheist Darwinists for helping to shape an idea. I can almost hear them cursing themselves for being careless.


I also read Kraus’ book and was actually disappointed how weak his arguments were and the fact that he changes the meaning of “nothing” to mean “something” and then says, “look, something comes from nothing”. Really?!


‘Pre-existing mind’ is the main point that converted the ‘great’ evolutionist Antony Flew to a belief in God. Mind’s origin cannot be explained by any of the sciences.


An important part of science is to respectfully listen to the other side. You are a great example of this.


I think pride is really an issue when science delves into the bigger questions. It seems that no one will back down regardless of what there is in science. I like reading articles by Michael Egnor, a neurosurgeon at Stony Brook, and some of the things he's mentioned really looks appealing, both in his articles and the youtube video about evidence against materialism.


"And we know [with great confidence] that God [who is deeply concerned about us] causes all things to work together [as a plan] for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His plan and purpose." - Rom 8:28


During an interview with Ben Stein, when asked about the origin of life (OoL), Dr. Richard Dawkins admitted that *_"we don't know [how life on earth started]."_* (Source: 'Expelled' DocuFilm, Dr. Richard Dawkins, One of World’s Top Darwinian Evolutionary Scientists, 2008).


Keep up the great work, Dr. Meyer! Your book Signature in the Cell should be mandatory reading for advanced biology students in high school.


I bought this book and meant to take it with me on vacation to begin diving in, BUT I LEFT IT ON MY NIGHTSTAND AT HOME ON ACCIDENT! 🤦‍♂️ I have a long flight home in a couple of days. I’m tempted to buy a second copy.


During a 2015 televised panel discussion, Dr. Richard Dawkins (One of the World's Top Darwinian Evolutionary Scientists) admitted, *_“The Origin of Life is something we don’t know anything about. And we want to know something about it. And I would love to know how life actually got started.”_* (Source: Real Time with Bill Maher, Overtime, October 2, 2015, HBO)


"But I don’t really give a damn about what "nothing" means to philosophers; I care about the "nothing" of reality. And if the "nothing" of reality is full of stuff, then I’ll go with that."

--- Lawrence Krauss


There is nothing new in this book. It reiterates the idea that science cannot explain EXACTLY what came before the universe came in existence, instead deferring to the notion that the universe always existed. Meyers concludes that this is BETTER explained by an intelligent creator, God, that designed the universe and brought it into being. This is countered by the question: "what EXACTLY came before God? or who EXACTLY created God?" and the answer is God always existed and required no creator, which is exactly the same argument the scientists make, but with one less step in the process. When Occams Razor is applied, God the Creator of the objective universe is no longer necessary, and so as Douglas Adam's wrote: "promptly vanishes in a puff of logic".


A real scientist is like others opinions... No hateful word....not mocking others.


0:28 The concept of "Nothing" represented by the number "0" (zero) did not exist in the beginning. The number "0" (zero) is a relatively recent human innovation in mathematics. But, there has always been "1" (one). The fact that one (1) exists and can think about the concept of "nothing" (0) shows that there first exists one (1). Thus, nothing (0) does not truly exist alone: One (1) must first exist who can ponder (create) the concept of nothing (0). Mathematically, Absolute nothing "could be" expressed as 0 to the power of 0, which can equal 1. "Nothing" IS "Something"; because, it comes from "Something". Moreover, since Nothing (perceived) is not Nothing (actual), then it is possible for Something to come from Nothing (actual). Because, Something (1) is inherently pre-existing within Nothing (actual), hence, 0 to the power of 0 can equal 1. Simply put, Something, One (1) exists before, nothing, zero (0) can exist.


The agnostic position is the most epistemologically sensible position.


I felt so bad for you that day. You had a super bad headache and yet still made your points with clarity...:) Thankful for your work!!


Not sure this has direct application but this is the verse that came to mind.
Romans 12:20 (ESV)
To the contrary, “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by so doing you will heap burning coals on his head.”


It's no mistake that 5billion or more people today believe in a creator and why our history as far as we can see has always had people with a belief in the divine. Human beings just know so little about life, so little about this existence. We think we have progressed very far and we have progressed but due to the sheer enormity of this world, the vastness of it and its billions of complexities and the other billions we don't know. We will forever be ignorant.


I think Meyer does a good job of proposing the idea that there is an intelligent mind behind the creation of the universe, but how does he get to that intelligent mind being the god of Christianity??
