The Solution to All your Problems - Nouman Ali Khan

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Speaker - Nouman Ali Khan

Assalam Alaikum Warahmatullah, This Channel Thatdeenguy Is Created To Share short Islamic Videos of the scholars of Islam, to help strengthen your imaan and your understanding of islam.

#problem #life #NoumanAliKhan #islam
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I was drowning in self-hate last night, so this is really helpful. Thank you so much, I think Allah has guided me to this video.


This man is a gift. Allah bless him and keep him 🙏 we need this guy.


I used to think the most prestigious and best jobs in the world were things like becoming a businessman/CEO, doctor or lawyer. Now I’ve come to realise that the most valuable job is that which Nouman and others like him are doing. Spreading the word of Islam and educating us on the beautiful words and messages of Allah. So many of us are born Muslims yet we know so little about our own religion, I feel ashamed to admit this. Islam is the only way we can find true peace and lift our spirits even when we are in the worst of situations. We let the world pollute our priorities and take us away from the actual path and it seems so obvious when we realise this. I pray Allah blesses each and everyone of us to become better Muslims every day so that Insha’Allah He can grant us Jannah.


Thank you so much for this . I really needed it !! I am going through something and may Allah give me and my Family guidance . Ameen


One month before ramadan I'm lost. My heart and soul is crying. I'm not in any problem not practically not physically. But mentally I'm torn, emotionally brust. I was so much at peace before 2019. After 2019 everything bad happened to me. And in 2022 finally all problems are gone but I am not recovered from the emotional damage it coasted.
All I want is peace in my heart and soul.
May Allah guide me


This is one of the best reminders of imaan I have ever heard. I hear it repeatedly. I feel peace at heart. My trust gets bigger. My mind sense calmness. May ALLAH guide our heart and accept our dua for forgiveness. Whatever difficulty we face, may ALLAH keep our faith upright and give us guidance.


This is what happened when someone studying Qur'an also studying human psychology. I myself really get the great impact of my daily stress level after learning Qur'an from NAK. I become a lot calmer and happier than I have ever before after deep dive into the beauty of Qur'an ❤.. cannot imagine my life without it😢 the ultimate feeling of calm and peace of a heart can only be given to those who get Allah's guidance. The ultimate gift is Allah's guidance, that's why we always ask for it at least 17times/day (when reciting Al fatiha in our prayer) until we taking our last breath inshaallah...


To everyone who's facing the problems, remember that someone is praying for you n that's the whole Muslim community so have faith n remind yourself that you're gonna get through this. Sending you Love n lots of blessings ❤️✨


I’m going through a lot problems to problems I’m so depressed in my life
But no other way but to trust Allah
May Allah SWT give me and family a guidance 🙏🏾


A few months ago I experienced the absolute worst day of my life. It’s still affects me to today and I weep about it. Thank you for this video, it’s very helpful. ❤️


This video come at the right time when i’m feeling down. Sometimes i just wondering why the problems never ended. For those who is the same situation with me, i hope that you’re doing well and seek guidance from Allah. Thank you for this video. It really open my perspective.


Nouman ali my favourite Islamic scholar he makes us to learn and love Quran .


Peace+Contentment+endless Sukoon=Islam❤


Simple solution I found for my problems is accepting and know Allah is with me.. TBH im not even practicing deen much... But accepting your situation your past and the person you are will make you feel peaceful...


plzzz 😭😭😭pray for me(kamran) i got a distinction 80.7😢 percentage, but failed by a half (1/2 ) mark in the easiest subject called engineering materials....plzzz pray for me that i get maximum marks in my exams so that i can give an effective dawah to my non-muslim friends from their non-muslim scripts and from the holy quran, for the sake of allah ameen🥺😭😭


So emotional after watching this video, feels like I can relate in so many ways 😢


He makes it easy for you if you follow his guidence and do as he wishes! If you dont submit to him you will struggle.. if you follow him you feal total joy no mather waht happens to you! I am a withness.. i joined the ummah 6 years ago since i took on the faith my life has changed so hard for the better! All that our brother says is pure truth! I can cry iam so happy pls listen! It is the ultimat truth nouman ali kahn tells!


I was in a thick of sadness and after watching this video it's opened my mind
Jzkn ustad. U came in my dream last nite and I picked up the quran. Jzkn


I needed to hear this today! Alhumdulillah


The "always smiling " point is so true.

Honestly wouldn't have expected it of such people, but they actually are
