The OWNER SAID You Two Deserve DOUBLE PAY For This Job

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I was contacted by a new customer who needed someone to cut a hedge of Thuja about 30m long and an overgrown Laurel about 20m long. The Thuja needed to be shortened from 2.5m to 1.6m, as well as the Laurel. Arriving on site, the client immediately told me that he had seen me on YouTube and I was pleasantly surprised by this.
After estimating the amount of work I and my assistant started to work and first decided to cut the hedge of Thuja, as I decided that this work can take about 3 hours, and then shorten the Laurel! It rained lightly all day and sometimes got heavier. I set about trimming with a Stihl HS82R trimmer and cut the height of the cut, meanwhile my helper cut the thick trunks of the hedge with a Makita chainsaw. We cut the Thuja down to 1.6 m in just 1 hour, happy with this speed we decided to take a short coffee break. Then I started pruning the Laurel and only when I started to cut on the neighbor's side I could estimate the whole amount of work and realized that I was "early to rejoice", as in 3 hours it should be getting dark. So it turned out that it took us 5 hours to trim the Overgrown Laurel with cleaning, besides I had nowhere to unload my trailer and decided to load it completely. We finished the job when it was dark and the owner was very pleased and paid us double for the work!
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Hello everyone, I am the owner and I really enjoyed their work. My wife and I, as well as the neighbors, were and still are impressed by how carefully and conscientiously this difficult work was carried out. Excellent job and very clean removal of the hedge trimming. Highly recommended and follow-up orders have already been announced.👍👍👍


What a great difference of this customer recognising your outstanding work and paying double to the other customer who would not pay at all when you removed his hedge! Wonderful work guys! So good too see the dynamic duo back!


What a generous customer!!! Both of you worked so very hard on this, and you deserved the extra money. Your hedge trimming is second to none. Always excellent. Your cleanup work is always amazing, too. I just wish that you had better weather that day. Working out in the rain is awful. Hoping for sunny days ahead for both of you!!!! Well done!!!


Hello from sunny California
I have only seen one guy get hedges as straight as you and he used a red laser light which is like paint by numbers, you are the real deal.
That was a huge project .
Welcome back and keep it up.
Thank you


It's amazing how level and straight you keep your cuts.


What a massive cut back! Your arms and shoulders had to be tired at the end of that day! Beautiful work!! 💚


This is another job where my jaw drops every now and then. You walk through the tuja like it's nothing. Like cutting through butter with a knife. The stuff is really tough. And at this working height...Are your shoulders made of steel? The cherry laurel is a nightmare. So stubborn and difficult to get into good shape. You both are truly masters in your field! I'm looking forward to more videos from 2024. 😊


As a gardener in Scotland myself I can absolutely appreciate just how much effort cutting hedges of this size takes, it's very very wearing on the arms and shoulders, not to mention the back after a while, anyone who has never reduced hedges hasn't felt the pain of trying to smash through those branches endlessly, so a very very well done to you guys, you made it look effortless, but we know it wasn't!!


Amazing precision, as always. The strength required to hold the trimmer at shoulder height throughout the job is also amazing. I always look out for any new posting. Thank you, from California, USA


The hedges were small trees. That was really hard work. Well done as usual. Thanks for the video. Enjoyed.


Hey Kustorez! We've been missing your artistic talents with a hedge trimmer, buddy! Good to see you! Hello from Oregon USA! The owner of that property is a good person, and you earned every bit of your money. Getting a customer like that makes up for the occasional one who tried to scam you after the work is completed. I'm still mad at that one customer who claimed you didn't do enough work! I just thought of something as to why we haven't seen you in little while. It's winter where you are as it is here. Sometimes my brain starts stripping gears!


Доброго дня вам!
Рада новой встрече. И снова восхищена точностью и аккуратностью подрезки изгороди. Какой глазомер и какие сильные руки нужны, чтоб не сбиться с линии.
Ваш коллега тоже мастер своего дела.
Браво! 👏👏👍👍🌲🌲🌲🌲‼️


Another beautiful job. You fellows are amazing! No one better. Also, I love the neighborhood you work in. Such a beautiful area, and not a little of that beauty is due to your expertise! Very satisfying to watch your videos. I'm so glad I found you. 💕


Good to have you you guys back fantastic job and thanks for sharing always 👍


Yeah... You're back!!!🎉 I see you haven't lost your touch!! Beautiful job!!!!❤️❤️🙏🙏


First time I've seen boy's as fast as fussy as myself. Youse boy's are the real deal . Wish i had someone as fast as myself. You're a brilliant team .


I like to see people work so methodically. I can't watch when they jump from one place to another and then go back again it's so irritating, but even when you cleared up the cuttings you had a perfect method. The hedges are so straight, not easy when working by eye. Superb job well done


He is the best. Other lawn mowing and hedge trimming professionals should watch kustorez's videos to see and learn how it's done. Most of them are so careless when trimming or cutting hedges and bushes.


I just realized that I neglected to leave you a comment! 😮 And, of course, I've now forgotten all the things I had meant to say.

It was a beautiful job, but a demanding one, with both you and your assistant working flat out. What a change! The clients have a beautiful home and lovely yard. And now their hedges complete the picture, as any good frame completes the artwork within its bounds.

I see the clients are very nice people who have left such a complimentary note for you! And paid you well besides. I love when your true value is appreciated. How many others would have done such a precise job on the hedges and stayed to be sure the full clean up was complete - even after darkness fell?


Großartige Leistung 🎉
God bless you ✝️☮️💜
