Deep Stone Crypt FAST & EASY Farming Guide! - Craft Raid Weapons!

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Showcasing Tips and Loadouts for EVERY Encounter of the Deep Stone Crypt Raid to help you Farm those Deepsight Raid Weapons FAST & EASY in Destiny 2: Season of the Seraph!

Time Stamps:
00:00 - Why Farm DSC?
01:07 - Crypt Security Encounter
04:03 - ATRAKS-1 Raid Boss
08:18 - Rapture (3rd Encounter)
10:05 - TANIKS Final Raid Boss

New #Destiny2 video, showcasing how to farm the Deep Stone Crypt Raid after you can craft these Raid Weapons in Season of the Seraph! This is just after the new Destiny 2 Showcase witch officially revealed the new Lightfall Expansion and Year 6 of Destiny 2! The new Witch Queen DLC is here! It provides a new campaign, new weapons, new exotic quests, and so much more! We have the latest witch queen updates and news! Season of the Seraph has launched, with the new Heist Battlegrounds Activity, the Operation Seraph's Shield Exotic Mission and the updated Deep Stone Crypt Raid! But today we are going over a guide to Farm the DSC Raid to get Weapon Crafting Patters unlocked for the Heritage Shotgun God Roll, Succession Sniper God Roll, and MORE!
#Destiny2News #SeasonOfTheSeraph

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Fight back against the Trash Red-Border Drop Rates by getting loot SO FAST it would make a Bungie Dev faint lol


3:56 Also for Security, whoever is the op/scanner for downstairs should equip a sword so that they can see more cores at once in the center.


For Atraks-1 you could use Grand Overture, you can get your x20 missiles loaded just by shooting any of the immune replications 👍


You make the best videos. Plus I love how you support your family. Great job man thank you


Drop rates are absolutely atrocious for these


I recommend using merciless. Aztecross did dps testing with it and it is doing better than linear fusions. And the range the boss is at is perfect for it.


This red boarder grind is so awful and all the comments here show it. Sorry that y'all wasted so much time on this holy moly. It's probably just best to grab the weekly red from final and dip for the week. Not tryna stress over this


Never done DSC so hopefully I can farm some of this.


Boy has it been awhile since I did this raid


Rick Kringle just makes Raids/Dungeons/Guides/Pretty much everything so much easier with his vids. Thanks your vids help me so much while trying to play the game


Best things to run
Security-well+fourth horseman
Atraks- T crash titan


Now I don't want to spoil a possible happening, but with everything we've fought up against and present foes. We still have not yet, or possibly, will face THE or A Worm God who offered the Hive great power which was a reference to the Witch Queen.


While Farming the third encounter isn't the most feasible, I would settle farming it enough to get just one Posterity so I can get it from the final chest with spoils


Drop Rates are extremely awful.. I’d rather come back and do it once a week for 35 weeks than do this. 😂


30+ clears to my emblem tracker for 0 red borders


Thanks for the guide, all we need know are redborders to drop from the encounters:D


it felt like it's 0.1 chance of getting a single red border


Debuffs do not affect atraks. For everyone who thinks that they do, stop running tractor or witherhoard.


Is it a fast farm? Yes, it is.

Is it a farm that rewards the time spent with rewards that are equivalent in value? I'd say no. The armor you can get, at least during my six hours farming Atraks, always had horrible stat distribution, and we all most likely know all about the weapon drop rates.

Still, to have farmed Atraks for six hours, with each run averaging around four minutes and every time being with challenge, that is 180 chests. I managed to get four red borders. When you round that off, that's around a 2.2% chance of a red border at least for me. Other people have different luck, but I digress. The fact is, everyone who is grinding these weapons is experiencing the same thing, and that is absolutely ridiculous. You can argue that crafting was never meant to be the focus of loot, but that argument falls apart when you realize that without the inclusion of adept DSC weaponry, the crafted versions outclass the regular in every way.

Henceforth, the way to the best possible performance out of these, might I add, TWO year old weapons is to craft them. I will continue to grind this out over the week, but it definitely is frustrating. At least reward spoils for it if the drop rate will remain abysmal.


I really wish the drop rate for red border weapons wasn’t insanely low. I don’t mind farming the raid but this is ridiculous.
