Berkunjung ke Kantor Google Indonesia | DStour #81

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Google Indonesia kini memiliki kantor baru di kawasan SCBD, tepatnya di gedung Pacific Century Place. Sebagaimana kantor-kantor Google lain di seluruh dunia, kantor Google Indonesia memiliki ruangan-ruangan yang disesuaikan dengan budaya dan tempat wisata lokal.

Dipandu Head of Corporate Communications Google Indonesia Jason Tedjasukmana, berikut DStour selengkapnya.

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Masyaallah tabarakallah, jika kita memberikan kenyamanan kepada karyawan, maka karyawan juga akan memberikan hati dan pikirannya untuk perusahaan tersebut, kebaikan mu pasti akan kembali kepadamu. Masya allah


Kurang jelas audio nya,
Kadang jauh kadang deket. Saran sih, kasih subtitle aja min.


The company is so cool, working here must be like living a dream :)


Google mang beda ya.. buat kantor di negara lain dengan memasukkan geografi dan kebudayaan negara tersebut.. Risetnya keren sekali..


Kontennya bagus, tapi teknik pengambilan gambar + editingnya kadang bikin pusing :(


Menurut gue Google adalah apk yang sangat sangat sangat100× berpengaruh di era sekarang ini😂🙃 mau browsing di google, mau jalan² di google maps, mau ngetranslate pesan bule di google translate, mau hiburan di youtube dll lah.


kenapa kualitas pengambilan gambar, editing, dan Audio semakin menurun ya?


apakah disana ada customer service tempat kita tanya tanya mengenai problem seputar google, tks ya


Saya di suruh tonton video ini sama bu dosen trs d buat ringkasannya 🙂


Wouw, saya senang sekali menemukan alamat GOOGLE Indonesia ! Saya kira ada di AS ! Hore !


Google Indonesia tuh lebih berfokus ke bisnis dan marketingnya ya? Kalau fokus technya denger" di Google Asia Pasific yg di Singapore


cool! by the way mau menyampaikan saran mungkin kalau audio narasumber nya gak begitu jelas bisa ditambahkan subtitlenya. thank u


Bagus kali kantornya pengen datang lagi kesini
Kapan bisa datang kesini


Hallo kak, apakah kita bisa langsung berkunjung ke kantor nya tanpa undangan? Karena memang saya ada masalah yang sangat mendesak sekali terkait dengan akun youtube saya.


Keren, detail, tidak ada yang terlewat dalam mendesign kantornya


Bisa bertanya tentang biaya plat form google di game saat penarikan uang di aplikasi game


jika mau kunjungan ke google gimana ya syaratnya?


mohon info, apakah bisa mengajukan kunjungan untuk siswa SMK kesini?


wkwkw micnya ini di dalam hidung ya pas akhir2?


Google mission statement is “to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.” Google is perhaps the most successful company to come up with a strategic approach to organize information for online users in the last two decades. With this company, it has become easier and better structured making it not only accessible but also useful. It is this influential role that the mission statement of the company emphasizes on. Based on this analysis, the following characteristics make up Google’s mission statement:
• Sharing of new ideas
• Global accessibility
• Boosting organization
Google satisfies its sharing of new ideas component by providing a stable platform for people and companies to disseminate their content. The company has been credited for being one of the most informative establishments of its time. Google has come out strongly as an empowering firm with a variety of channels it has designed and integrated to ensure its users are treated to limitless sources of information.
In this way, the company assists in sharing of new ideas. The second component relates to this one because of the ability of the company to pool all global content in one place. It does this through a specially designed automated script that methodologically browses the web to collect the most up to date information, including the new ones, then stores it for easy accessibility by its users.
There is no doubt that the various platforms offered by the company are globally accessible including its subsidiaries. For instance, one can access the Google search engine wherever they are, and the same case applies to platforms such as YouTube, Google Assistant, Photos, and Google Cloud. With site crawling, all Google needs is to exploit its algorithms to ensure this data is not only accessible but also organized in relation to its last component in the mission statement. In fact, the organization algorithm adopted by Google is so unique that it tracks user trends and personalizes their information needs to collate and bring them what they need most, a factor that has made Google the company of choice for virtually all modern online users.
Google LLC has distinguished itself as a company of its kind, with an absolute dominance in internet-related services and other products. Google has progressively managed to stay at the top of all other players in the sector commanding one of the largest user audiences in the contemporary era ever since it was launched in 1998 by Menlo Park in California.
Today, Google occupies a position of influence as a unique brand, thanks to the strength of its mission and vision statements. While Google has gone through strategic changes, including the rebranding of its name from what it was originally known as Google Inc. to the modern name, the company has not lost its original leadership influence in its market. In any case, the transformation has only made Google a much stronger and focused company.
A corporate vision statement of a firm reveals the future the company goes all-out to achieve. On the other hand, the mission statement outlines the strategies the management applies to propel the company towards this future. In the case of Google, its mission statement does exactly what is expected of such a statement. It outlines the strategies Google has in place to grow its business.
In its vision statement, the focus inclines on how much the company can achieve. Google also brings in the element of its core values. These are described as business factors that influence the overall practices in an organization. The presence of these values, together with the mission and vision statement have overly been instrumental to the success recorded by Google over the decades.
Google vision statement is “to provide access to the world’s information in one click.” This vision statement is a reflection of what the company is best known for – giving its customer easy and speedy access to information without a struggle. In fact, the predictive elements integrated within the search engine illuminate the meaning of one click as users get exactly what they are searching for courtesy of this innovativeness by Google. The following components are associated with this vision statement:
• Access to world’s information
• In one click
Google concept of linking its customers to information across the globe is based on the past struggles to access data using conventional methods. To solve this problem, the founder designed an open-access platform where users can have unlimited information at their exposure. The company not only identifies existing webpages and stores this information for its users but also ensures that anyone across the globe can access it through its search engine service.
When it comes to fulfilling the last element of its vision statement, Google has designed a system that ensures there are minimal complications whenever a user requests for specific information. It is a feature that is widely supported by the organization of the webpages and information collected and indexed by the company. In this way, all the customer needs to do is to search for what he or she needs and leaves the rest to the innovative features integrated into Google platform.
Google core values include “Focus on the user and all else will follow, Fast is better than slow, Democracy on the web works, You can make money without doing evil, There’s always more information out there, and great just isn’t good enough.” Google has a long list of values that drive the operations of the company. They also come in handy in creating a culture that makes it a go-for company in the technology, software, and cloud computing sector.
Within all its values, Google lays emphasis on the importance of the user. It echoes the focus of the company while developing and collating web content. Google is not satisfied by simply ensuring that data is there, its second value sheds more light on the need for giving this information much faster and in a reliable and respectful manner. It is the reason the company points at doing good while going all out to get information around the world. Most importantly, Google’s attitude that there is always room for growth has kept the company on an upward trend as hinted by the last value in this analysis.
Google’s slogan: Do the right thing.
Google’s slogan before June 2018: Don’t be evil
Google’s main headquarters is in Mountain View, California, United States
