Mother's Nightmare: World's Best Cleaner Offers Extreme Help!! 🩷

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Hi! I’m Aurikatariina and I clean my followers homes’ for free! ❤️

Todays story is extremely heart breaking. This home belongs to a young man who was struggling with addiction. Her mother tried contacting him but he wouldn’t answer. This was norhing out of the ordinary but something felt off. She went to his place and found him unconcious on the apartment floor. He had been laying there for 3 days.. Luckily he survived. But his ability to speak was gone. He has been in the hospital for over a month and no one knows if he will gain his ability to speak back. But at least this can be a turning point for him.

Bathroom cleaning, kitchen cleaning, living room cleaning, Organizing, deep cleaning, satisfying results, before and after pictures

My book: Happines cleaning by Aurikatariina is also out now!!
You can purchase it through these links:

📕 Official Publisher website

📕Amazon USA

📕Amazon CA

📕Booktopia AUS


❤️ Sponsored by SINI and Scrub daddy

USE code AURI10 to get 10% off Sini products

💗Sini scraper

💗Sini Microfibrecloth

💗Sini cleaning sprays

💗Sini kitchen cleaning set

💗Sini dish brush

💗Scrub Daddy

💗Scrub Mommy

💗Steel Daddy

💗Scour daddy

💗Power Paste

💗Acidic toilet bowl cleaner

💗Window cleaner

💗Cif cream

💗Easy off oven cleaner


💗Floor Squeegee

💗Microfiber cloths


00:00 intro
00:22 collecting trashes
02:15 trashes behind the couch
02:25 sweeping the floor
03:05 Washing the Coffee table
03:59 sweeping the couch
04:27 cleaning under the carpet
05:32 Washing the floors
06:53 trashes from the bathroom
07:11 Washing the sink
07:36 Organizing the bathroom cabinet
08:11 Washing the Washing machine
08:34 adding detergent into the toilet
08:40 finishing the Washing machine
09:07 Washing the toilet
09:32 Washing the bathroom floor
09:47 before and after pictures
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For people who complain about the amount of water she uses: That place has not been nor will it ever be cleaned with that much water again so the water bill is worth


I’m so irritated with people who criticize you for ANYTHING as you clean. These same people would never even enter the apartment, much less clean it like you do. Great work.


Please becareful when working to clean up Drug Paraphernalia sometimes there can be left over Residue & it can harm you when breathing it in or even it touches your skin!!! I don't judge people with Addictions either but it is better to be Safe than Sorry! Love what you do and please keep helping People!!!


He’s lucky to be alive. I hope he has a total recovery.


If you consider how much water was saved in these apartments (no cleaning, no dishwashing, no laundry, probably no shower usage) this little bit you are using is totally okay!


Thank goodness this mother was able to find her son and get him to help. When you look at what's in the home you can see bits of what the person is really like- This young man is an artist really into graffiti design, a football/soccer fan or player. I hope he can heal and get back to what clearly gave him joy.


Rinse with all the water you want! You are the world’s best cleaner! ❤🎉


Using the amount of water you use in these apartments is necessary!!! Because they are filthy. It's not like cleaning a just dust and hair. Nothing has been cleaned in years in these apartments!!! You aren't doing anything wrong ❤️


I too make no judgment on people for their addictions, but, please dispose of any drug paraphernalia especially NEEDLES in a proper container and hand them in to a disposal place so no one can be contaminated by them. Great job!


I love how people can lay on their backsides and criticise you when you're traveling the world and cleaning horrendous circumstances for hours on end, helping severely mentally ill people and their children! You're a wonderful person-Take zero notice of unhelpful, unsolicited advice! Perhaps when those people join you and contribute to your fantastic work, they can implement their cleaning suggestions alongside you!!


I’m an alcoholic who quit drinking 3 years ago and my house was always pretty messy when I drank because I didn’t love myself enough to care! Sobriety has saved my life and my home🥰


boy.... in his 33... he is a grown man/adult. something doesn't match up... wishing him a rapid recovery anyway. great job cleaning!


What a gift to this young man! Let’s hope he gets the help and recovery he needs. You are a cleaning angel.


I love Finnish bathrooms too. So convenient to be able to clean and rinse practically the whole room thanks to the floor drains. So much better now is the living room and bathroom 😊 Good job! ♥️


I love Finnish bathrooms, too! Everything looks so efficient. I've always wanted a bathroom that has a floor with a drain. So easy to clean.


Rinsing is a necessary part of the cleaning process, it gets rid of any dirt and cleaning products left behind.


It’s wonderful that Finland cares about the health of its people.


I know a lot of Americans do use paper towels, but there’s also a lot of us who try not to. They are great for really gross messes like what you’re cleaning up here, but for everyday cleaning I stick with the washable, reusable cloths you were using before. I know I’m not alone in really appreciating how you try to be as environmentally friendly as possible!


To any person getting help for addiction - you can do it! You deserve a healthy and sober life. ❤. Sending healing vibes to you from the US. ❤😊


So glad your using those gloves to protect yourself! Living room came out beautiful!
